Sequence 20For 20A 2048 2dhour 20Game

I participated in the 3rd Ludum_Dare? 48-hour game programming competition. As practice writing sequences, I thought I'd try putting down some of my insights from the attempt. - Justin_Love?

GenerativeSequence for a 48-hour game programming competition:

  1. Prepare a program framework ahead of time. Creating program init code is a little too mundane for a 48-hour mad dash.
  2. Idea (untested): Make your plans based on a 24 hour game. If you actually have any time left after that work is complete, improve game play, art, sound and content (levels, in many cases.)
  3. GameDesign is tricky since the theme isn't announced ahead of time. If the theme doesn't speak to you, choose one of the FourteenFormsOfFun and try to fit it into the theme.
  4. SimpleAsPossible has never been more important. This is your mantra. (Don't, for instance, try to simulate something... like, oh, say electricity on a circuit board ;^) )
  5. BeginAtTheMiddle: you won't have time to develop a finely tuned skill ramp; figure out what the 'core' game play is in the beginning and jump right into it when the game starts.
  6. Create a CompellingGoal, if you can think of one in the time alloted.
  7. Games will be tested 'rapid fire' by already worn out contestants. Be nice, and have a ClearShortTermGoal, and pay especial attention to Make The First Action Painfully Obvious.
  8. Actions should have PerceivableConsequences, even if the exact results are uncertain or values not constant.
  9. If you have time, and if it fits within your game, some other especially GoodIdeas are: ParallelChallenges, PositiveReinforcement, RandomReinforcementSchedule, and PositiveFeedback.
