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Summary: Fungibills -> FungiBills


< * PowerBuyer and the SimpleVariant frame with Earn power: All players receive a steady income of FungiBills which they may exchange for one-shot powers.


> * PowerBuyer and the SimpleVariant frame with **Earn** power: All players receive a steady income of FungiBills which they may exchange for one-shot powers.


< * DoublingCube and ForfeitsFrame: The number on the doubling cube specifies the number of forfeits on the Forfeits table that the loser of the game must pay the winner.


> * DoublingCube and ForfeitsFrame: The number on the cube specifies the number of forfeits on the Forfeits table that the loser of the game must pay the winner.


You can mix and match frames as part of a superframe. Here are some mixes we think are especially fun.