Hi, I'm Ron Hale-Evans, author of the book Mind Performance Hacks and coauthor of Mindhacker.
This ever-in-progress blog/wiki is the successor to my ancient and crufty home page, which is out of date in many ways, and no longer represents me or my thinking accurately. Feel free to visit my old pages, which still contain plenty of good stuff (of course, take into account who's telling you that).
Social networks and so on
In addition to this one, I maintain the following wikis:
- Alpha Wiki: the wiki of Alpha, the world's first (as far as we know) comprehensive word game system
- Funferall Wiki: the wiki of the Seattle/Tacoma-based Finnegans Wake reading group, Allforabit Funferall -- non-members welcome
- Game Design Wiki: all aspects of game design
- GameFrame Wiki: a free, open source MetaGame system that you can extend yourself
- Glass Bead Game Wiki: Hermann Hesse's concept of the GlassBeadGame
- Glome Wiki: higher and lower geometric dimensions
- Matrix Games Wiki: a home for Engle Matrix Games, highly improvisational simulations-cum-RPGs
- Mentat Wiki: ways to become a better thinker
- Piecepack Wiki: the piecepack is to board games what a standard deck of cards is to card games
- Rainbow Deck Wiki: the Rainbow Deck is an open card game system that enables you to play hundreds of commercial card games, and prototype your own games
- Seattle Cosmic Wiki: a small cadre of more-or-less highly trained gamers that meets to do battle every Saturday night in the Seattle area
- Ludography: a list of games I've designed or co-designed.
Game Systems articles
I wrote a series of articles on game systems for The Games Journal. There are four articles in the series. I hope to expand them into a book eventually.
What people are saying about Ron Hale-Evans
"Ron Hale-Evans, escritor de profesión, diseñador de juegos por vocación y psicólogo por formación" ("writer by profession, game designer by vocation, and psychologist by training") – Planeta Diego: Linux y Software Libre
"...online wag..." – The Guardian (reference)
"...self-professedly papilionine mind..." – Lojban list
"Mr. Hale-Evans is a very pleasant 48-year-old gentleman" – an otolaryngologist
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