1:15 PM to 5:45 PM
Present were RonHaleEvans, MartyHaleEvans?, JohnBraley?, EricLester?, and JimStapleton?.
Read 090:33-092:32 (Page:90, line 33 through Page:92, line 32)
We read almost two full pages in a great, in-depth session. How did we do it? Pace Tindall, it's partly that we had an unusually easy and beautiful stretch this time.
EricLester? produced a couplet on Giordano Bruno:
Giordano Bruno was burned at the stake
And constantly pops up in Finnegans Wake.
Eric also declared he was renaming Bruno as Burno.
The group engaged in some spontaneous Finnegans Wake karaoke when John played us "The Rising of the Moon" after it appeared in the Wake. Marty explained how at one time in Ireland, you could be hanged for whistling it.
All the twone-ness on Page:92 made John speculate that T.W.O. = The Worst One.
Two pages. Wow. Thanks, Marty, for poking me when I drifted, with the motto, "Wake up and row!"