Attending were Ron, Marty, Gerry, Christine, and Sky (his first time), at the Kent Library, from 1:00 pm to 4:45 pm. Welcome, Sky! We read pages **169.01-171.28** -- that is, the beginning of Chapter 7 (Shem the Penman). We first listened to Cyril Cusack's magnificent reading of the chapter. It was half an hour long, so a bit of a slog, but we followed along in the text and everyone was glad we did it. We tried the ThreefoldReading technique again -- people kept getting confused as to whether we were in the "Overview" or the "Suck It Dry" phase. Eventually, we merged them, as usual. Sky recommended checking out the //Dictionary of Word Roots and Combining Forms//, a free, downloadable, and searchable PDF. I was not able to find the exact PDF he described, but I did find one that was [[|free and downloadable, but not searchable]]. Sky also asked the group whether we knew that Joyce had written exceptionally filthy love letters to his wife Nora. We said we knew that he did and [[|many were available on YouTube]]. The [[|one Marty and I watched]] was read by comedian Dave Foley, of whom we are fans. Another thing the group learned while reading the Wake was that there really and truly happened to be a [[|Copper Age]] between the Stone Age and Bronze Age, just as Joyce mentioned. This reminded me that there was also a video on the [[|Holocene Age / Human Era calendar]] on YouTube that Marty and I had enjoyed. I couldn't find Vico's //New Science// (the source of the Wake's four ages) online, but I did find a book that discusses it: [[|The Philosophy of Giambattista Vico by Benedetto Croce]]. It's Project Gutenberg, so you know it's fresh, mostly. RonHaleEvans
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