Often, a player would like the hinder the progress of another player. Or, two or more players would like to work together to accomplish a common goal. In order for diplomacy to emerge, the game must permit this PlayerInteraction.
The article I_Have_No_Words_&_I_Must_Design? sums up it's argument for diplomacy with this statement: "How can players help or hinder each other? What incentives do they have to do so? What resources can they trade?"
- Calhammer's_Diplomacy? (of course) includes the 'assist' order, allowing players to enter into alliances against other players.
- Castle_of_Magic? gives each player his own secret set of goals, some of which are frequently compatible with those of other players. Players can trade points giving control of three items, and the result of the game is determined by the cumulative action of all players; players who band together can exert a unified influence on the result.
- The_Settlers_of_Catan? allows players to trade resources. A considerable amount of politics can develop around what getting certain resources would allow a player to do. The limited space available for building roads and towns can also lead to deals.