You might be a game crank if...
- You've only ever designed one game.
- You're only ever going to design one game.
- You claim it's "easier to learn than Checkers, but more challenging than Chess". (In fact, this is a dead giveaway.)
- You named your game after yourself or yourself after your game.
- You published your game yourself.
- You took out a second mortgage on your house to get thousands of copies of your game printed, which you were sure would sell.
- You first saw your game in a dream.
- You claim not to have "designed" or "invented" the game, but "discovered" it based on the Laws of the Universe, "rediscovered" a design used in ancient Atlantis, etc.
- You're the fan, crony or "little buddy" of someone who meets the description above.
See also
The Crackpot Index, by John Baez