In order for a TradingGame to work, there must exist a disparity of value over players and resources. This does not mean that one resource should be intrinsically more valuable than another. (Although it can be.) What it does mean is that any given player values one resource more than another, ''and a different player has the opposite valuation.'' The players can then trade because each believes he is bettering his situation. * ["Basari"] does have intrinsic gem values - red is more valuable than blue. But only the player with the most gems of each colors scores, so a color where a players is in contention for the lead becomes more valuable, and a small color becomes trading fodder. * While players in ["The Settlers of Catan"] all spend resources in the same way, the resource generation system depends both on board position and the roll of the dice. Players will experience various surpluses and shortages, which may or may not align with their current goals. * Since ["Bohnanza"] only allows so many bean patches at once, the types you have planted become very valuable, while taking any other type of bean would actually be a penalty. ---- CategoryGoodIdea
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