= Make The Player A Hero = This is another Midway/Atari via Mark Nau rule, that applies to action-adventure video/computer games. We identify with our avatars in the video game world. When they leap a tall building in a single bound, we say, "Look what I can do." Whether it's a skate boarding game where you can bust tricks that no human could really do, or a super hero game where you get cool moves, or a fighting game where you can take immense amounts of damage and juggle opponents in the air with your .44 Magnums, that's the kind of thing people respond to. *Die By The Sword* violated this rule by putting you in the role of a knight who didn't know how to use his sword. ["Harry Gottlieb"] agrees in {"Game Design: SotS"]: "[T]he star of the show isn't ''on'' the screen, but sitting in front of it." ---- CategoryGoodIdea
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