You can mix and match frames as part of a superframe. Here are some mixes we think are especially fun.
CurrencyExchange and PowerBuyer: You may negotiate to exchange FungiBills with other game currencies, for example, enabling you to buy powers with Monopoly money.
PowerBuyer and the SimpleVariant frame with Earn power: All players receive a steady income of FungiBills which they may exchange for one-shot powers.
CodeDuello and ForfeitsFrame: When a player loses a duel, he must pay a forfeit to the other player, in addition to the usual consequences.
DoublingCube? and ForfeitsFrame: The number on the cube specifies the number of forfeits on the Forfeits table that the loser of the game must pay the winner.
GameTheory and other Frames: Choose among “framed” games rather than ordinary games. Every player may propose up to three games and the frames with which to modify them.