This section lists available frames. Powers may be chosen randomly (there is even a frame for doing so), but frames are best chosen thoughtfully. Just as with frames, when players choose frames during the setup of a game, they should agree on how it will apply to the game, so as to avoid arguments later. * AliceFrame * BugHouse * CardShock * CodeDuello * CurrencyExchange * DavidVersusGoliath * DeciGames * DoublingCube * EbbAndFlow * ForfeitsFrame * FungiBills * GameTheory * HandicapsFrame * HostagesFrame * MultiToSolo * PowerBuyer * PowersFrame * RandomPowers * RonRules * ShockingPowers * SimpleVariant * SoloToMulti * SpecialMove * StoryTime * SuperFrames * TacticalBoards * TwoOutOfThree * WordUp
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