= Links related to the Glass Bead Game = * [ The Elephant's Memory] ... A glyphic constructed language similar to Blissymbolics/Semantography. * [ Ideonomy] ... the "science" of making lists. Lots and lots of lists. * [ Notational Engineering Laboratory] ... These folks think it's all in the notation. Haven't seen a link to them on any other GBG page, but the material here is quite germane. * [ Kaleidoscope Puzzle] briefly mentions The Glass Bead Game and links to the Bead Game Wiki FortuneCookies page. * []... Mind Mapping is a bit like writing a GBG. It doesn't have the symbolic language but does have the linking of ideas. See also GbgLinks. == Discussion == Discussion about ElephantsMemory from the perspective of the GlassBeadGame is clearly on topic here. If you are interested in talking about the visual aspects of ElephantsMemory, you ''may'' want to see [ the Elephant's Memory discussion] on [ the Visual Wiki.] There is significant overlap- the concept of a [ HookupLanguage] is connected with several of the PillarsOfTheGbg: Very clearly, Connection, Iconicity, and Formalism. With a little stretch, you can include Analogy and Contemplation as well. -- LionKimbro [[DateTime(2004-07-19T20:35:36Z)]] Link to mind mapping from -- RichardBotting 2009-06-04 4:30pm PST USA
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