= Glome Wiki = This is a wiki for study of and speculation about higher and lower geometric dimensions. Topics welcome here include the fourth dimension, Flatland, the Planiverse, the work of H.S.M. Coxeter, C.H. Hinton, Rudy Rucker, and so on. == What is a glome? == "Glome" is the word for a four-dimensional hypersphere. It comes from the Latin //glomus//, which means "ball". It seems to have been coined by the hyperspatial geometer George Olshevsky, and is gaining almost as much currency as //tesseract//. One reason we used it is that it's reminiscent of Lewis Carroll; another is that it's hard to find a name for a wiki on this topic. "4D Wiki" is taken. "Hyperspace Wiki" is taken. "Dimensions Wiki" is taken, and so on. None of them have anything to do with what we're interested in, of course... The present logo for this wiki represents a slice of a glome passing through the third dimension, or as you Terrans would call it, a //sphere//. Feel free to propose a better one. == Content == * FlatlandRolePlaying: A brief survey of some role-playing games set in Abbott's Flatland. * PlaniversalGlossary: A glossary to the language of A.K. Dewdney's book about a 2D universe, //The Planiverse// * WaxWayAndWaz: What do you call the 4D equivalents of pitch, roll, and yaw? * [[Visualization]]: How can natives of n-space come to grips with m-space, where m>n? * ReadingList == Getting started == Feel free to add your own content to this wiki. Anything related to dimensionality is fair game. Here are some pages to help you get started. * [|What is a wiki?] * [|Wiki social norms] * [|Creole], the markup language used on this wiki. * [[|Creole markup additions]] (unofficial) * SandBox: If you're just experimenting, please do it here. * [|Index of all pages] The Glome Wiki is powered by [|Oddmuse], and is hosted by [|The Center for Ludic Synergy]. [|Email Ron Hale-Evans] for more information.
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