(Mostly Portuguese, some word play involved) |A|a-TCHIN| |B|BA-ba-ga-noush| |C|CO-ca CO-la| |D|D\xCD-na-mo| |E|eh?| |F|fal-ca-TRU-a | |G|GA-GA-go | |H|he he he he| |I|ia ia| |J|ja-P\xC3O \xC9 DEZ| |K|Ka-tia FLA| |L|li-N\xD3-le-o| |M|MAU-MAU| |N|NA-da| |O|OH MEU DEUS!| |P|pa-CU PEI-xe| |Q|QUE? CO-mo? QUEM?| |R|re-BO-que| |S|si si si| |T|TCHAN| |U|u-ra-CIL (the nucleic acid)| |V|vim vi ven-CI| |X|X\xCD-ca-ra CH\xC1| |Z|Z\xC9 L\xC2M-pa-da|
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