= MemorySystems = There have been numerous historical and more recent memory systems, most of which follow a few basic patterns. This page gives short descriptions of memory systems for comparison. Also see the discussion of the continued relevance of memory systems at MemorySystems21stCentury. == Historical Systems == Many of these had a mystical component and are primarily thought of as occult or mystical systems instead of memory systems. They tend to be based on a LinkSystem or PegSystem (or perhaps two or more such systems cross-referenced to create a MemoryPalace.) Examples: astrology, kabballah. Ancient and classical memory techniques distinct from mysticism usually involved rhymes or alliteration, word play, acrostics, or other tricks to make a phrase more memorable. Examples: poetry and folklore in rhyme, Celtic Ogham lists. A few systems used visualization and linking, especially to places, which lead to MemoryPalace techniques explicitly defined as memory techniques. Examples: the Roman Room system. Ramon Llull's system relies more on systemization to relate new concepts to already-learned concepts, which makes it related to a PegSystem or LinkSystem, but without the visualization and action we would normally associate with modern techniques. Giordano Bruno's system modified the Llull system by creating pegs/loci using astrological symbols and specifying that each loci should contain an actor performing some action. == Modern Systems == Modern systems are mostly based on the visualization and action principles recommended by Giordano Bruno combined with either a set of real-world loci as pegs (an alteration of the Roman room system) or a systematic PegSystem developed using NumberSystems or AlphabetSystems. The DominicSystem: detailed in "How to Develop a Perfect Memory" by Dominic O'Brien. FurstSystem: detailed in "You ''Can'' Remember" by Dr. Bruno Furst. Based on two 100-image PegSystems and the MajorSystem. MegaMemory: created by Kevin Trudeau. Based on several NumberSystems and ad-hoc RomanRoom lists used as peg lists, but also includes a BodyList. (Some of Trudeau's other books, such as ''Natural Cures'', have been discredited, but MegaMemory is a fairly vanilla memory system.) == Scientific studies == * [ Routes to remembering - the brains behind superior memory] - an excellent paper studying the performance of top memorisers from the World Memory Championships. * [ Superior memory of experts and long-term working memory] == Discussion == Can other people more familiar with other systems add them here? --- JohnLaviolette == See also == * MemoryTechniques * MemorySystemsComparison
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