= Hack #49: Roll the Dice = Break out of your rut by making lists of tasks, recreations, books to read, or research avenues to investigate \x96 including some you don't want to \x96 and rolling the dice to determine your fate. == Additions and Suggestions == Concrete ideas to modify and expand this hack go here. == Discussion == Windows users will probably need to change the (Unix-based) path of the output file in the ''pyro'' script. For example, assuming the directory "C:\temp" exists on your system, open the ''pyro'' script in a text editor and change "/tmp/pyro.txt" (in line 11) to "C:/temp/pyro.txt". Note that a forward slash, not a backslash, is used after the drive designation. == Links == [ You can download the pyro script and the whattodo.dat data file for this hack from] Download an improved version of the script from MindPerformanceHacks/ForceYourConnections. == Errata == Errata go here. == Hack Author == ["Ron Hale-Evans"] == Return to Main Book Page == This is a page for a hack from the book MindPerformanceHacks by ["Ron Hale-Evans"].
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