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Re: [piecepack] Greetings and hello!

On Monday, April 29, 2002, at 03:01  AM, odbo255 wrote:

> *making the usage of the ace symbol consistent (always a spiral or
> always the suit [still mulling the consequences of this one over])

If I may comment on this, I think it would be a good idea for the ace to
be consistent as well. A suit symbol would be the wrong choice, because
that of course ruins the ace coins' ability to hide their suit when
viewing the value side. Having ace tiles have a suit in the corner and an
ace symbol in the center is preferable to the alternative of having coins
which have a suit symbol on both sides. Heck, I think the ace tiles would
look better that way.

However, I don't like the spiral as an ace symbol. The spiral is an
arbitrary graphical shape, just like the four suit symbols are, so when
you first dump your piecepack onto the table and start to sort out the
coins, the value-side-up ace coins look like suit-side-down coins,
especially when you are a piecepack novice. Since your brain processes
written characters differently from meaningless shapes, it would be easier
to visually distinguish the value-side coins from the suit-side coins if
the ace were a character, such as an "A".
Another suggestion: Change the colors for the numbers so that it's not a 
suit color; this can also be confusing.
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