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Ludic Synergy contest notes

A few things about the Ludic Synergy contest:

1. At the private request of a couple of contest entrants, I'd like to
   state that Marty and I will answer questions, privately or
   publicly, about whether in our opinion a given item qualifies as a
   game system or merely a game.  (You may remember that the rules
   state entries to the contest must fuse the piecepack with another
   game _system_.)

2. Yes, you can combine the piecepack with more than one other game
   system in your contest entry.

3. Yes, you can enter more than one game design into the contest.

4. Apologies to James for setting our deadline so close to his
   Protospiel 2002 piecepack game design contest:


   We completely forgot about this until Stephen Glenn posted a
   reminder about the Protospiel convention a couple of weeks ago.

5. Personally, I'd like to have some idea of how many people are
   planning to enter the Ludic Synergy contest.  I already know of
   three entries from the Seattle area.  Anyone else willing to speak
   up?  I don't want to know _what_ you're doing, just _whether_
   you're doing something.  Marty adds that there won't be any
   repercussions if you don't finish your design in time.  You're not
   committing to anything -- we just want a rough head count.


         Ron Hale-Evans ... rwhe@... & rwhe@...
           Center for Ludic Synergy, Seattle Cosmic Game Night, 
Kennexions Glass Bead Game &  Positive Revolution FAQ: http://www.ludism.org/
Home page & Hexagram-8 I Ching Mailing List: http://www.apocalypse.org/~rwhe/