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An Appology

   First off, I think that perhaps the group thinks higher of me 
despite the insults. Not to excuse, but to simply inform... I am 
only 20 years old, and well, fairly recent to creating games- taking 
game concepts further (1995 with Portal for Magic The Gathering 
which was my first step into more "higher games"). A Brief time 
being employed by WOTC also helped. As I posted earlier in my 
blowing off of steam, I simply do not have 40 bucks to spend on one 
German-style game, let alone enough to buy more than one to take 
concepts from to form my own game. In Fact, being the Author of 
Piecepack Workshop, I dont even own a "real" Piecepack, I made my 
own out of paper, ergo, that is why I created the workshop. My 
concern is simply that one of the guidelines was  "" The game must 
utilize a piecepack and preferably should make use of some of the 
unique aspects of the piecepack. ""  and I think its hard to do 
this, when you have other board games/game systems in mind before 
piecepack. We all need a common base to have as foundations to build 
new Ideas...  The alphabet and even a deck of playing cards 
illustrate this. However I feel that if a majority of a game is 
rehashed it looses value in a game of itself.  I have still to read 
any of the other rulesets.. but it will be interesting to see how 
the coins will be "spent"  in this game...  perhaps it will shed new 
life in a mechanic that seems to be near death.

I did what I could with what I was given, and with what I have. I 
thought that a fresh look at games with Piecepack. I am sorry that I 
tried to force this view down everyone else's throats. This is all 
appoligize for, because I do not want my creative talents to conform 
to what every else says it should be, the "meta-game" of game design 
would lose all fun with me at that point. I am sure that the group 
would agree with me on that.
