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Re: DocBook

--- In piecepack@yahoogroups.com, Porter235 <porter235@y...> wrote:

> it does doc book. i think the point is. that everyone will work in 
> whatever the hell they want. but if you are wanting to get XML with 
> pictures, or convert word to XML, openoffice is a good match.

I have been looking at the DocBook wiki (http://docbook.org/wiki/) - 
which is very well done. I hope the piecepack wiki improves to that 

They don't seem to approve of OpenOffice as a DocBook editor at the 
moment: http://docbook.org/wiki/moin.cgi/OpenOffice.

However there are other free tools mentioned and if it were done 
properly, DocBook could be a great way of presenting rules in a 
standardised manner.

There are even tools that convert other formats to DocBook: 
