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Question for Clark Rodeffer


I'm hoping to enter a design into the current competition, but I 
wanted to find out for sure what you consider to be "co-author" 
material. I'd hate to have some sort of Miss America scandal come 
back to haunt me in the coming months.

I dabble in (ok, I'm understating. I'm beginning to dedicate my 
every waking moment to) game development, and my normal routine is 
like this.

a)I brainstorm some funky idea that seems to have potential.
b)I take the idea to my girlfriend and she gives ideas about what 
she thinks would make the game run more smoothly.
c)We spend the next few weeks playing the game at our favorite 
coffee shop, working out major flaws until the game is ready for 
outside play testing.

This is how it works for every game I design. Would you consider 
this co-authoring? By the time the final ruleset is done, there is 
every bit as much of her creativity in the game, as there is mine.

Thanks in advance
- Tim -