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Re: Games with adult themes

> So, has anyone else given this any thought? Does anyone care?

[Activate Rant Mode]

I may be alone in my thinking, but I'll even pick on my own games as
bad examples to make my point. Why should sexual themes be singled out
for special treatment, or even as taboo, when other "adult" themes
such as suicide (see Black Thursday) and murderous plundering (see
Piece Packing Pirates) are not? Concerned parents need to be watchful
of what their kids are doing and own up to the responsibility of
parenting instead of blaming someone else for any alleged trouble
their progeny get into -- "Little Timmy was always a perfect little
angel. That is, until he came across YOUR SITE and downloaded YOUR
GAME! Now his mind is warped forever, and since it's YOUR FAULT, I'm
gonna SUE!" Of course, responsible adults should be able to make that
decision for themselves.

So anyway, how do you CYA? Probably the best way is to make the entire
games directory an "adults only" area, complete with an intermediate
warning click-through page of some sort, but don't put any special
warnings or notices on the individual games at all.

[Deactivate Rant Mode]

Clark Rodeffer