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Re: [piecepack] Re: Games with adult themes

--- "Leo M. Lalande" <scorpio@...> wrote:

> --- In piecepack@yahoogroups.com, "dbucak"
> > Of course we have the Internet in hell.  Where do
> you think spam comes 
> > from?
> > 
> There's got to be a piecepack game in that statement
> somewhere! :D

Sure, the players try to get higher-number (more
odious) spam through the changing (suit-based, in
random rotation) defenses of target addresses.  The
game is about hand management, since the hands of the
devils (players) are drawn from the same pool of tiles
as the defenses.  So if you can wait until you have
_all_ the crowns, your crown-suited spam is sure to
get through...

Or something like that.