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Re: [piecepack] Kidsprout Jumboree Questions

Hi Aaron,

On 11/22/06, Aaron <acdalton@...> wrote:
This one has been sitting in my dev queue for quite a while and I've
yet to be able to play this in RL.  It *looks* pretty
asynchronous-friendly.  Would the excuse phase suffer in such an
environment, even if excuses could be played out-of-turn?
I thought about this for a couple of days. It does seem that excuse
timing would be the hardest part of the design, but I think it can be
made to work. I think the Leaping Buck should be allowed to say when
the excuse phase is over, just as in the F2F game (see Game Play rule
6), but the excuse phase should also last a minimum period (say 12
hours), either determined by the system or by the person issuing the
challenge. That way the Leaping Buck doesn't get to shut down the
excuse phase too fast to their own advantage. Compare the existing SDG
timers that limit how long a turn can be. There could even be a
"going, going, gone" mechanism similar to F2F play such that someone's
playing an excuse automatically resets the timer.

Having not
played it makes it difficult.
I strongly advise playing the game F2F once or twice before trying to
implement it.

I would welcome any feedback any might
have about pitfalls of this game on SDG.  There is also a strong
memory element (if one wishes to succeed).  At SDG you would use your
Notebook which takes away any "skill" involved in that aspect. Hrm...
"Card counting" does get a lot easier. You don't even need the
notebook; you can get all the info you need from the scrolling system
messages. Maybe you should look at other PBW blind-bidding games and
see how they handle it, Aaron. If I come across any good ones, I'll
let you know.



   Ron Hale-Evans ... rwhe@... ... http://ron.ludism.org/
Mind Performance Hacks book: http://www.oreilly.com/catalog/mindperfhks/
	   Center for Ludic Synergy: http://www.ludism.org/
(revilous life proving aye the death of ronaldses when winpower wine has
		   bucked the kick on poor won man)