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Re: Piecepacks from Blue Panther?

One solution to the question of wood grain would be to use painted wood. The colors would have to be relatively dark to overcome the grain underneath - if you are concerned about having perfect hidden information. Parts look pretty good in a navy blue paint, I have found, at least for the wood we use at Blue Panther. SJ Kistaro Windrider writes:
One concern I have with wooden pieces where hidden
information is required, it is not that hard to be able
to distinguish wooden pieces from each other from their
back sides. Whether by color or texturing, each tile is
going to have it's own unique features.
Has anyone found this to be an issue in the past?

Yes. As much as I like my Mesomorph wooden Piecepack set, the Ace of
Arms coin is double marked- the stamp on both sides is faint enough
that it's obvious to anybody even slightly familiar with my set which
ace is Arms and which Arms is the Ace- it's visually different from
the others. The Null of Crows tile has a (natural) mark in the wood
that also makes it visually distinctive. With a bit of study, I could
probably learn to reliably identify most of the "hidden" pieces in my
I would suggest using acrylic for the pieces as it will
be more uniform and harder to tell the pieces apart.

Agreed. I like hidden information, and I can't hide anything that
requires Aces or Arms in coins, at least not perfectly! That little
bit of knowledge can be important- and frustrating when I'd rather not
know, because it's hard to ignore.
(Next best option would be painted wood, but the grain
textures could still possibly make them identifiable.)

Not if the paint is opaque. If it isn't, though it will do nearly no
good- the grain texture is very identifiable on my set...
--Adam Norberg