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Re: Piecepacks from Blue Panther?

One of the nice things about Blue Panther's business model is that we can provide "lot size of one". In a sense we're sort of a Print-On-Demand shop for board games. So, if someone does not like navy blue they can get wood grain. If they don't like birch, they can get walnut, etc. Price would be about the same in all cases. (Acrylic would still be much higher - plastic is more expensive than wood in this application) We keep a small inventory on hand and generally make the game when it is ordered. Perhaps we'll offer a few versions of the Piecepack on the site. SJ

Ron Hale-Evans writes:
On 1/15/07, Porter235 <porter235@...> wrote:
Coversations with Steve are going well, and it appears we are both excited
about Blue Panther producing the JCDpiecepack. (He has added some teaser text
to his home page http://www.bluepantherllc.com/ )
Some minor changes are going to happen with version 3 which will be the one
produced by Blue Panther. You can get a peek at
He has mentioned a few options for materials: baltic birch (natural color,
stained, painted, or "reverse image"), hardwood tiles, and acrylic. We
haven't made any choices yet about what we think will work best.

Marty pointed out that you can see the grains of various kinds of
wood, including birch, here: http://www.logsplitters.com/Wood.html
By the way, even with wooden components, the laser etching should take
care of printing problems such as the double-marking someone mentioned
caused by printing the suit and value symbols on a coin too faintly. For the record, I'd prefer that my piecepacks *not* be painted navy blue. Ron
    Ron Hale-Evans ... rwhe@... ... http://ron.ludism.org/
Mind Performance Hacks book: http://www.oreilly.com/catalog/mindperfhks/
	   Center for Ludic Synergy: http://www.ludism.org/
(revilous life proving aye the death of ronaldses when winpower wine has
		   bucked the kick on poor won man)