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Re: [piecepack] Good Portmanship Contest

Congratulations to the winners :) I look forward to playing the games soon.

About my own entries, I agree the first one (the port of Merchant of Venus) was the most polished. Clark helped with a lot of feedback, which I really appreciate. My second entry was done near the end of the allowed time and wasn't properly tested. I agree the rules and setup are very complicated. The thing is that the only time we actually managed to test it I felt it was lots of fun and managed to capture the feeling of the original... But I agree it needs lots of work...

About the theme change for Merchant of Venus, I just love Fantasy and Sci-fi... You won't see me making a western themed game anytime soon ;D

BTW, I had the chance to play Take Off, Eh! (2 players) and found it's a fun game. I have not played El Grande so I cannot compare. In our game the Queen did move, but not every turn... but I can see it could be a problem if most of the crown tiles are in the board already...

So, thanks Ron for doing such a great job with the competition, and I look forward to playing the games and adding them to BGG :) They may attract some new comers to the piecepack world. And please, If you coud share more feedback about both my entries off list, I'd like to polish them a bit before publishing them in the web...
