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Sorry for delayed Good Portsmanship feedback

Hi all,

I'm very sorry I haven't been getting people the detailed feedback I
promised them for their games. I realise this is probably slowing
people down from releasing them.

This has been a busy month for me, but it's going to wind down soon. I
have a hell week coming up at work, but then I'll  have a hiatus of a
couple of weeks until my next contract, during which  I can start
getting feedback to people, in the order in which they placed in the
contest. Please understand that for some games I have ten pages of
notes to type up. Now, these are little moleskine pages, true, but I
use shorthand.

The upshot is that you should expect to get detailed feedback on your
game sometime in the first half of May.

Thanks for your patience.


   Ron Hale-Evans ... rwhe@... ... http://ron.ludism.org/
Mind Performance Hacks book: http://www.oreilly.com/catalog/mindperfhks/
	   Center for Ludic Synergy: http://www.ludism.org/
(revilous life proving aye the death of ronaldses when winpower wine has
		   bucked the kick on poor won man)