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Re: Dice and tile backs

--- In piecepack@yahoogroups.com, "Eric Wald" <groups@...> wrote:
> On 8/25/06, Jorge Arroyo Gonzalez <trozo@...> wrote:
> > About the checkered backs, I don't think any games use this feature
> > explicitly and it can be a bit confusing with games that have layouts
> > that have tiles in an hexagon like pattern.
> Not if the tiles themselves are arranged in a hexagon pattern, because
> the black and white can be swapped by turning the tile ninety degrees.
> The checkered pattern can in fact support any arrangement of tiles such
> that the small squares form a grid, unless the tile orientation matters.
> However, at least one game, Chariots by Mark A. Biggar, arranges the
> tiles such that some of the small squares are offset from each other,
> which would work better with the plain grid.  The checkered pattern also
> gives away information about tile orientation, which may be relevant for
> some games.
> - Eric

Are there such games, though. Games in which tile orientation of face-down times is relevant.

I ask because it seems that the new designers are adopting the checkered pattern for the backs of tiles.
