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Re: My ideas for more tiles

> >> I've been adapting the tiles for use by a small child, and I was thinking that the deck needs jokers. I unveil...the (red-violet) Pink Pussycat!
> >>
> >> This makes for nine "suits", which gives you seven colors for days of a week or a rainbow, plus black and white. Being a "joker suit", it has three tiles, not six (the Tom, the Queen, and the Kitten). Sorry if this seems a bit presumptious, and I haven't figured out any games for them, but hey...it's a thought!
sshum2003:  Welcome.  Four is the standard number of suits for the piecepack.  But it is in the public domain. There are additional expansion sets with different suits like the playing cards/BP's Set 2, seasonal/BP's set 3, IPG Expansion, IPG Extra (1 suit, star), elements and zodiac.  And the recent War & Piecepack by Blue Panther.
(IPG= IcePack Games, BP= Blue Panther)<http://www.ludism.org/ppwiki/ComparisonOfEditions#Heading7>

Jokers don't have a "suit".  Some deck of cards have a "trump" suit which seems more to what your going for.

>"Daniel Ajoy" <da.ajoy@...> wrote:
> There are similar Expansion ideas, here:

> http://www.ludism.org/ppwiki/SensibleExpansions
> and here:

> http://www.ludism.org/ppwiki/SixPack
> This page even mentions "jokers":
> ==================
> Maybe add a sort of joker suit as well: multi-colored bells. Though increasing the number of suits also merits increasing the number of coins/tiles per suit, to 12 in this case. Maybe 13, with the bells.
> Far too cumbersome a set to use all at once, though.
> ==================

A joker title has been suggested before by Electronicwaffle:
"I still want a Joker Tile for the Piecepack before all else... (The
suit side of the tile would have each Suit on one fourth of the
tile) but I think this idea is not as widely supported."

Also produced at one by Icepack Game with the addition off their logo: