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Martian Miners


From the rules, it didn't seem clear to me how many scout-ships each player starts with.

It says:

"You start by upgrading your ship to a laboratory."

So I thought it was one, but maybe it is two.

Also, it wasn't clear that we could place scouts at intersection points of less than 4 tiles.

I played it with Stackable counters, instead of pyramids.


It was not clear how many optional actions we were allowed to make.

The text says:

"Once you have built a mine, you take a corresponding piecepack coin and place it near the
unbuilt pyramids. This is to indicate the type of mine you have established."

that is confusing. "you take a corresponding coin"... "corresponding" with what?

It is not explicitly said but I suppose the mine type is the same as the tile it rests upon, no?

Isn't it clear from the board which type of mine I have (If I see a mine over a Crowns tile, I know I have a Crowns mine, no?)

The rules say:

If, however, two dice of both players are right next to each other on the
board (horizontally, vertically or diagonally) the starting player has first choice. If because of
this rule the second player is forced to choose a location that has fewer tiles around it than the
first player's choice, the second player is allowed to reroll the affected die. When the two
remaining dice are next to each other as well, the second player has priority of placement. The
same reroll rule can apply here. Remove the dice from the board and the game starts with the
second player. After this both players take turns.

That whole paragraph was very hard for me to understand. I didn't understand it. Could someone please help me rephrase it?
