If you're not familiar with the game of Zobmondo!!, please read the Zobmondo!!? page before reading the rest of this one.
Playing Zobmondo!! inevitably leads to some unsavoury freelance speculation. Here are a few Zobmondo!! questions we'd like to see, to get you started. Feel free to add your own below.
PAIN/FEAR/DISCOMFORT: Have a friend who always greeted you by kicking you in the nuts -OR- by sticking a finger up your butt?
APPEARANCE/EMBARRASSMENT: Be forced to have a body piercing with its location determined by dice roll -OR- by a Congressional oversight committee?
ETHICS/INTELLECT: In 2004, vote for a Republican presidential candidate -OR- vote for a Democratic presidential candidate?
RANDOM: Rock and roll all night -OR- party every day?
-- mostly Marty_Hale-Evans?, egged on by Ron_Hale-Evans?
ETHICS/INTELLECT: Burn in Hell for all Eternity -OR- have your vocabulary reduced to the single word "Hosanna!" forever?
APPEARANCE/EMBARRASSMENT: Have to always end your sentences with the phrase "...between the sheets!" -OR- with the phrase "...and that is why Carthage must be destroyed!"?
PAIN/FEAR/DISCOMFORT: Play Candyland, or play "Best 67 out of 100 coin tosses"? (See also WhichWouldYouRatherPlay.)