= Bunko = A PartyGame. Requires three tables, 12 people (four per table), 9 d6 (three per table), a noisemaker, individual score sheets, and absolutely no strategy. Everyone takes a seat at one of the three tables, which are labeled Head, Middle, and Bottom. Each of the four people at a table should be seated across from on other person, and those two people form a temporary team with a shared score. Anyone can keep score, as long as someone does. There are six rounds to each game, one for each number on the die. The round begins when everyone is ready and someone at the head table makes a noise with the noisemaker. In each round, the goal of each team is to have a higher score at the end of the round than the other team at the same table. The round ends when one of the teams at the Head table meets or exceeds 20 points, whereupon they sound the noisemaker. At the start of a round player picks up the three dice and rolls them. The one of four sequences can take place for each roll: 1. One or two of the dice show the number of the round (e.g. 1 in Round 1, etc.), the player scores one or two points, respectively, and rolls again. 2. All three dice show the number of the round, the player scores 20 points, may shout "Bunko!", and rolls again. At the Head table, this immediately ends the round. 3. All three dice show the same number, but not the number of the round, the player scores 5 points and play passes clockwise (i.e. to the other team). 4. None of the dice show the number of the round and play passes clockwise. At the end of the round, players mark their score sheets with a win or a loss and shift position in the following manner: 1. Bottom table: Winners go to the Middle table. One of the losers moves to another seat. 2. Middle table: Winners go to the Head table. One of the losers moves to another seat. 3. Head table: One of the winners moves to another seat. Losers go to the Bottom table. In this way, no one is teamed with or opposed to the same person twice in a row. The winner of the game is the person who won the most rounds. Typically, the winner, the person who won the fewest rounds, the person who had the most Bunkos, the person who had the fewest Bunkos, and the person who had the last Bunko all receive some sort of prize. --["Paul David Unwin"] ---- CategoryGamePage
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