= Paul David Unwin = '''Email:''' Please feel free to fix any errors you find on this page. '''Paul exhibits his prize for winning a game of ["Chrononauts"] at the Game Night held on [ November 15th, 2000].''' == Paul's Games (in pretty much the order they come to mind) == *'''["Chrononauts"]''': A card-based TimeTravelGame from ["Looney Labs"] *'''["Guillotine"]''': A fun little ["Wizards of the Coast"] venture. *'''["Robo Rally"]''': Continuing thanks to ["Ron Hale-Evans"] and ["Marty Hale-Evans"] for getting me this favorite from my college days. *'''["Wizard"]''': A slick packaged version/variant of ["Oh Hell"]. I'm dismal at it, but nostalgic for it. I'm pretty sure ["Ron and Marty"] got me this, too. They ["Rule"]. *'''["Elfenland"]''': Not a bad little game. *'''["Simply Cosmic"]''': My first experience with ["Cosmic Encounter"] and the Seattle Cosmic equivalent of a gateway drug. *'''["Pictionary"]''': A classic. *'''["Scrabble"]''': Another classic. *'''["Mutant Chronicles"]''': If I ever return to Seattle Cosmic on anything like a regular basis, I'm going to push for a couple rounds of this. *'''["The Great Dalmuti"]''': Another college favorite. Some people despise this game, but they're peons so who cares? *'''["Lord of the Rings"]''': It was a wedding present, yessss.... *'''["Mad Scientist"]''': Do not purchase this game under any circumstances. *'''["Phase 10"]''': A RummyTypeGame. *'''["Mancala"]''': The original Farming Game. *'''["Origins"]''': A Trivial Pursuit wannabe all about word and phrase etymology. I have yet to play it. *'''["Netrunner"]''': Just a starter deck and a couple of boosters that I won as prizes[ back] in the [ early days] of Seattle Cosmic. Maybe this list should be on [ BoardgameGeek], and maybe someday it will be. == Games Paul Hopes to Play Again == *'''["Twilight Imperium"]''': Quite fun but takes a ghastly amount of time to play. *'''["Samurai"]''': By Knizia. I'd be interested to see how a game with three or four players goes. *'''["Fluxx"]''': Just about anyone should be able to enjoy this simply card game from ["Looney Labs"]. == Games Paul Looks Forward to Playing == *'''["Puerto Rico"]''': I finally played this game at [[SeattleCosmicGameNight20030215]]. I didn't quite see what the fuss was about, but it definitely deserves another play, maybe after I've read the rules for myself. *'''["Myth Fortunes"]''': I hope it has made up quotes in it, like in the books. ["Meredith Hale"] owns this and we've always meant to play it together. *'''["Cities & Knights"]''': Along with all the other ["Settlers of Catan"] expansions and spinoffs. *'''["Space Hulk"]''': Now we sing the Litanies of Hate. *'''["Tigris & Euphrates"]''': Actually, I play rather a lot of this, but all online at Boardgame``Geek (see below). == Online Games == Due to one thing and another, I don't make it to Game Night as often as I used to. However, I still subscribe to the list and read the newsletters in order to keep up with the latest controversies, and of course I edit the Wiki. To keep the logic and strategy centers of my brain from weakening, I play OnlineGames with members of Seattle Cosmic. Here are the sites I frequent far too, um, frequently. *'''[ ItsYourTurn]''': A free (as in loader) site that offers a wide range of games, including ancient classics such ["Chess"], ["Checkers"], and ["Go"]; and a few other well-known games under new, trademark-skirting names like "''Stack''-4" and "Battle ''Boats''". The site also features a few variants for nearly every game. These games, like the rest on this list, are non-real-time, so they take a long time but users can make moves in just a few seconds a day. As with the other game sites, I short-circuit this feature by joining numerous games at once. *'''[ BoardgameGeek]''': In addition to its game descriptions, reviews and a Seattle-Cosmic-inspired Wiki, Boardgame``Geek features two online games, ["Tigris & Euphrates"] and ["Auf Heller und Pfennig"]. A third game, ["Goldland"] is in the works. These games are for 2-4 players, unlike Its Your Turn, which only has two-player games. My college friends turned me on to this site and I'm doing my best to pull in members of Seattle Cosmic. *'''[ Ludagora]''': This is a French gaming site, so keep an online language tool (or your own brain) handy. It offers the games ["Hare and Tortoise"], ["Medina"], ["Set"], and ["Crazy Circus"]. One drawback, apart from the language barrier, is the lack of a method to password-restrict games as you can on Boardgame``Geek (this has now been remedied, at least for Hare and Tortoise). If you post a game, anyone can join, and most of the people who are going to want to join are offset by 9 timezones. This leads to large delays in the games, and might mean that slot you intended for a friend is taken up by a stranger. ---- CategoryHomepage
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