I realized a few years ago that the highlight of my social life in Seattle has been game nights for rather a long time. Although I do enjoy the occasional round of Dalmuti, Lunch Money, etc., I have recently been swept up in German Game Madness and have replaced my weekly MahJong game with Puerto Rico (or Settlers of Catan, or ... you name it). I used to attend the [ Seattle Cacophony Society]'s monthly Game Testing Nights, where we vied to see who could come up with the strangest games. This strongly affected the content of my [ list of owned games]. I have hopes of creating my own games some day and have about four in varying states of discreation. When I judge them suitable for public display, I'll bring them along to a Seattle Cosmic night. I'm also trying to push my [ Seattle Puerto Rico group] that I'm running on LiveJournal - even though LJ membership is free I've got it set up for non-members to post. Stop by and have a look and see if it's interesting to you. Most of our gaming is weeknights, but there's really just no telling when we might be up for a game or two.
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