#pragma section-numbers off = Seattle Cosmic WikiNode = Welcome to the Seattle Cosmic wiki! We play games. :) Especially ["Cosmic Encounter"]. == Key Points of Interest == * FrontPage, RecentChanges * CurrentSchedule, NewslettersFor2004 * CosmicNight, GamesWePlay, SeattleCosmicGuidelines == Neighbors == |'''wiki'''|'''notes'''| | [ Board Game Wiki] | board gaming, German games, session reports (not design) | | [ Seattle Wiki] | Seattle! | | [ Glass Bead Game Wiki] | development of Glass Bead Game variants | | [ Piecepack Wiki] | ["piecepack"] games and game development | | [GameDesign:WikiNode Game Design wiki] | general game design theory | = Discussion = Thought it'd be nice to have a picture, since this is a wiki for a physical community and all. '''Feel free to pick another!''' I just flipped through some, and thought this one was well lit and generally nice. -- [[DateTime(2004-07-11T12:21:18Z)]]
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