To Do in 2013
- Submit outline of The Game Library of Babel (working title of my next book) to a publisher. Repeat until one buys it.
- Fuck it, ship it. Release OffBeat, Many Moons, or whatever I end up calling my clock and calendar software for Linux, in source and binary form.
- Clean out my garage, at a minimum locating my laser printer and EmergencyGameKit, lost within by the movers in May 2012 (ironically, in the latter case).
- One more. After reading this Cracked list of grandmotherly kindnesses, and because I technically work in the computer gaming industry, I was inspired to add learn to program computer games. I was going to take the Coursera course with a friend anyway.
To Read in 2013
- Miguel de Cervantes Saavedra, Don Quixote
- R. Michael Perry, Forever For All
- J. R. R. Tolkien, The Silmarillion
These are all books I've already attempted once or more and put down. But with a number of longer, harder (and uncut) books under my belt, I'm thinking I can finish these easily.