Techniques are the building-blocks of larger systems. They can be divided into procedures and guidelines.
These are orderly methods to transform something into a more memorable form.
- convert words and ideas into images, to make them easier to remember.
- use the LinkSystem to chain images together in an orderly fashion.
- use NumberSystems to convert numbers into images, for inclusion in image chains.
- use a MnemonicAcronym or acrostic to remember a specific set of names or categories.
- when using a place as a memory peg (LociSystem,) expand it with the NookAndCrannyMethod.
- when using a person as a memory peg, expand it with the BodyList.
These are general rules on what to do or what to avoid when trying to remember an item. There's no strict separation of procedures and guidelines, but guidelines act more as boundaries, while procedures are actions performed within those boundaries.
- follow the guidelines in LinkQuickly to create strong images.
- include actors performing actions.
- use a Journey to tie together two places used as pegs, or two actors performing actions.
- if you use both people and places as pegs in a PegSystem, make a rule about what kinds of information goes where (use people as short-term lists and places for long-term study, for example.)