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JCDpiecepack sample

Hi everybody,
My name is Jonathan, and I have recently stumbled upon piecepack
(thanks to the competition notice at boardgamegeek). This is
fantastic! For some time now, I have been slowly attempting to put
together a brief case full of game bits to do this kind of thing.
Only I have the boards for various games printed on poster board
sitting in the top section of my case. The collection has not grown
very quickly, but I do have a HUGE bag of 84 dice, and some dominoes
and some checker pieces etc. 

Anyways... as soon as I read about piecepack, I was determined to get
a set. I read through large portions of the archived messages, and
decided not to wait but to put a set together. I looked at the free
pdf versions, and found them not to my taste, as well, felt that some
of the suggestions from the archives could easily be added to a set.
So I started putting my own design together. I shall post to the
files area my Arms suit pdf for evaluation...  To date, only the Arms
are done. I have done this to allow me to accomodate for feedback, so
that if I want to make any changes, I won't have to redo tons of
work. Please let me know what you think. Here are some of the

Features of the JCD piecepack
High contrast, "color-blind friendly" piecepack (all in black &
white... will do a colour version if enough interest)

Designed using all vectors, which means sharper printing... no

All Aces rendered as a "swirly"

Traditional card suits included(planned at this time) for a total of
8 suits or the equivilant of 2 piecepacks

Arms suit rendered as an anchor to allow easy integration of Empire
cards when used with the tradional suits 

Suits are either light, or dark in colour (solid or hollow). This
creates a division of suits just like red and black for cards. (If a
colour version is done, the solid and hollow motive will be

		Light      Dark
		Crowns     Anchors
		Suns       Moons
		Hearts     Spades
		Diamonds   Clubs

Dice have directional marker & suit symbol on 4 sides, allowing dice
to be used as 6 state directional pawns (template for a second die
per suit is include on same page)

Two new "suits" dice (the second will appear on its suits pdfs)

Numbered sides have suit in all four corners (one corner still marked
for directional purposes) and emphasize the dark, light relationship
of the suits.

Grid sides have black and white quarters to create a checker board
effect. They have a "swirly" in the middle, ideal for games using the
intersections. They have markings which form a triangle when placed
with every other row offset by 1/2 a tile. This creates 2 triangular
grids (one with the "swirlies") as well as a large hex grid .

Pawn has a directional tick on it.

New flat pawn template provided (star shape). This can be put
together just as coins are, or better yet on a thicker disk the same
diameter as the coins. It has directional tick, and an inverted
version, allowing for 2 different states.