Comments on PiecepackCompanionDeck

# 11 Comments. # As an alternative to Roman numerals you could use "counting rods": but I'm not convinced that you couldn't simply use the (Tarot Nouveau) "J,C,Q,K" scheme to denote your face cards i.e. there are historical decks that use "Joan of Arc" as a "Queen" and the famous general "Alexander the Great" as "King": . If you want to get crazy there were historical playing card decks with six face cards per suit (male/female knaves, male/female riders, male/female rulers). This would provide an equal number of face cards to non-face cards and an interesting (gender) duality to the face cards.

-- TrevorLDavis 2018-04-03 22:03 UTC

J,C,Q,K are probably the best options, I'll think it over. In the historical decks, we the female knaves and riders ranked under their male counterparts - or were they equal with no explicit higher or lower rank?

-- danielharward 2018-04-04 02:30 UTC

I don't think we know for sure but generalizing on how the Queen is normally ranked under the King I suspect the females ranked under the males, the six face cards are found in a 15th century deck: . The modern Tarocco Siciliano deck has male king, female queen, male knight, and female knaves (called "maids"): . Note even if historical tarot decks ranked females under males doesn't mean your modern Piecepack Companion deck needs to do so or it could switch relative rankings between games (or even in a game!).

-- TrevorLDavis 2018-04-04 03:23 UTC

Like. :)

-- RonHaleEvans 2018-04-04 03:49 UTC

that's what I was thinking. I love these Ideas, I've updated the page with the addition of the female Jacks and and Riders with different lettering. They could both be J and C but I think there are more possibilities with the new letters, D and L.

-- danielharward 2018-04-04 14:40 UTC

I would like to design court card faces for this deck. Would anyone care to define the last six female courts (three Damsels and three Ladies)?

-- JamesVipond 2022-09-18 16:14 UTC

Here are my suggestions for five of the six remaining female courts, assuming that the Ladies ride horses:

-- JamesVipond 2022-09-24 02:17 UTC

1. OK....

2. Really? Why not piecepacks?

3. Ugh.

4. I don't know. What would a man do on horseback at night?

5. Flag bearers get shot fast. Sure you want this one?

6. Why not a doctor?

-- RonHaleEvans 2022-09-24 22:58 UTC

Ron, I wasn't sure what historical period Daniel intended for the PCD court figures, so I defaulted to late medieval England, since the court figures on Anglo-American cards are typically dressed in Tudor costume.

Daniel defines the Moons theme of PCD as night life. His Cavalier (Rider) of Moons is a ranger, but I couldn't think of a female counterpart to assign to the Lady of Moons. Does anyone have any better ideas for the other Damsels and Ladies, other than the Crowns suit?

-- JamesVipond 2022-09-24 23:51 UTC

> assuming that the Ladies ride horses

Don't know what Daniel was planning but in the historical Visconti di modrone (aka Cary-Yale Visconti-Sforza) tarot deck there are six face cards per suit: three male / three female with two standing / two on horses / two on thrones.

> Does anyone have any better ideas for the other Damsels and Ladies, other than the Crowns suit?

Unfortunately I don't have better ideas.

-- TrevorLDavis 2022-09-25 06:49 UTC

I like these additions, and yes the historical period intended was vaguely in line with your typical deck of cards.

Two standing, two on horses, and two sitting was exactly my vision.

For the moon suits I would say that the Lady could be a gray lady, a ghost, or since gray ladies aren’t usually associated with horses you could switch with the Q of moons. Although I like the idea of a ghostly rider…

-- danielharward 2023-12-22 20:11 UTC

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