
This is an AutoGeneratedTextVersion of DragonsHoard

Dragon’s Hoard (formerly Dragon’s Quest)
Version 3.0 Revised 07/2002A game for the piecepack and Icehouse by Ken
LeyheCopyright (C) 2001 by Kenneth Leyhe Sr.1-4 players
ObjectiveBe the hero who escapes the dungeon with the most treasure before sunset.
EquipmentIcehouse set – at least four colors.Piecepack set – more than one can be
used.2 bags, cups or combination of, for random drawing of pieces.
Setup1. Create the dungeon using the tiles. Place the tiles, grid side up, in a 5x5
board withthe center being empty, the center square is the Dragon’s Lair.2. Set the
large pyramids to the side of the dungeon in stacks, these represent time.3. Each
hero gets a die and 5 small pyramids (color is not important) to represent
LifePoints (LP).4. Place all medium pyramids in a bag/cup.5. Place all tokens in a
bag these represent treasure.6. Each hero chooses a corner they will enter the
dungeon through.7. Choose a hero to go first.
Play1. The game lasts a set number of rounds determined before the game (20 - 45,
Isuggest 30) these rounds follow this sequence:a. One large pyramid is removed from
the stacks.b. The first hero takes a turn. The hero on his left takes a turn, and so
on until eachhero has had a turn.2.  The large pyramids are used to keep track of
time, at the end of the last round, thesun sets and the game ends. As soon as the
last pyramid is gone, night falls, andanyone left inside falls prey to the evil
denizens of the dungeon.3. Hero’s Turna. If at any time a hero loses all of his LP
he has died (see section below).b.  The hero draws a medium pyramid from the bag and
places it on the board nextto his last played pyramid to form a passage. (On a
hero’s first turn the pyramidis played to the corner starting square.)c. If this
pyramid is the third in the passage the oldest pyramid is placed back in thebag.d.
The pyramid is acted on as per the color chart:

Pyramid Color Room Type Result
Yellow Hallway Draw another pyramid and place it straight ahead (if that is not
possible ignore this result).
Green Chasm You cannot travel straight through this room; on your next turn
you must go another direction.
Blue Treasure
Draw a Treasure Token.
Red Goblin Lair You have stumbled across a Goblin. Enter combat.
Clear Empty Room Nothing.
Black Cave In You lose your next turn trying to dig your way through.
Orange Trapped Hallway You’ve sprung a trap roll your die.
0 – 1 = Lose 1 LP.
2 – 5 = You avoid the trap.
Purple Chamber of
This room eats up all light; you don’t know which way to go on
your next turn. Roll your die.
0 – 1 = Go Left.
2 – 3 = Go Straight.
4 – 5 = Go Right.
White Spider’s Web You stumble into a Spider’s Web. Roll your die to get free.
0 – 1 = You are still stuck, you must try again on your next turn.
2 – 5 = You break free.

e. Play passes to the next hero.
Combat1. When you draw a red pyramid combat ensues and continues until either the
Goblinor the hero is dead.2. Another hero is chosen to act as the Goblin for
combat.3. Both the hero and the Goblin roll their dies with the high roll winning.
An Ace isconsidered the high roll beating even a 5.4. The combat results follow this
Roll Outcome Result
Hero Wins Hero Slays Goblin, combat ends
Goblin Wins Goblin Claws Hero, Hero loses 1 LP and combat continues.
Tie No one scores a hit. Combat continues.
The Dragon’s Lair1. When a hero places a pyramid in the center (empty) square he has
entered thedragon’s lair and ignores the effects of the pyramids color.2. On the
turn you enter the lair you must roll your die and follow the chart:
Die Roll Effect
0 The dragon sleeps, but you fail to steal any treasures.
2 - 5 The dragon sleeps; you steal the number of treasures you rolled.
Symbol The dragon awakes and breathes his breath at you. Roll the die again losing
many LP (Ace = 1). If you survive, you lose all of your treasure and back out of the
lair to your last played pyramid.

3. On your next turn you may leave the dragon’s lair through a different exit or you
maystay and try to steal more treasure. If you decide to stay you subtract 1 from
your dieroll (except the Ace) and follow the chart above.4. If there is more then
one hero in the dragon’s lair when he awakes, then all heroes inthe lair suffer the
Death1. If a hero loses all of his LP in any way, he dies.a. He loses all
treasure.b. He starts over in his starting corner with 5 LP.2. If the sun sets while
a hero is still in the dungeon then he has died horribly at theclaws of the
dungeon’s Goblins.
Winning1. Any heroes who escape the dungeon before the sun sets can claim a small
victorybut only the hero who has the most treasure wins.a. When a hero is ready to
escape the dungeon he must leave through a cornersquare, simply playing a piece on
the corner square signifies an exit from thedungeon.b. Once a hero has left the
dungeon he is not allowed to re-enter, unless he wishesto discard all of his earned
treasure.2.  Points are awarded according to the chart:
Coin Treasure Value
Null Worthless trash with no value.
2 – 5 GP equal to the coin’s value.
Symbol This coin doubles the value of all coins from the same suit as the Ace.
3. The hero with the most Gold Pieces wins the game.
Variations1.  Time: The amount of time you allow for the sun to set helps determine
the difficultyof the game; fewer time pyramids increase difficulty and vise-versa.2.
Dungeon Size: If you have a Piecepack Expanded you can make the dungeonlarger, 6x6,
there by making it harder to get to the dragon’s lair and out in a shortamount of
time.3. Treasure Coins: If you have a Piecepack Expanded, adding the new coins
willdecrease the chance of someone getting an Ace that will double the treasure
theyhave.3. Icehouse Colors: If you don’t have all of the colors listed in the chart
feel free to onlyuse what you have and substitute colors as necessary. I recommend
using thetypes in the order they are listed, so if you have 5 colors use down to the
EmptyRoom listing.

Copyright 2001 by Kenneth Leyhe Sr. Permission is granted to copy, distribute and/or
modify this
document under the terms of the GNU Free Documentation License, Version 1.1 or any
later version
published by the Free Software Foundation; with no Invariant Sections, no Front-
Cover and/or Back-
Cover Texts. A copy of the license can be found at www.gnu.org/copyleft/fdl.html.