This is an AutoGeneratedTextVersion of King's Cottage
King's CottageA Changing Landscapes game for the piecepack by Jonathan C. DietrichVersion 0.91, 2003-03-20 Copyright © 2003 Jonathan C. Dietrich 2 – 4 players; 30 – 45 min. Permission is granted to copy, distribute and/or modify this document under the terms of the GNU Free Documentation License, Version 1.2 or any later version published by the Free Software Foundation; with no Invariant Sections, no Front-Cover Texts, and no Back-Cover Texts. The King has gathered his trusty advisors and has instructed them to build him a cottage down by the river. Ofcourse it will have to be furnished as well. The advisors recognize this as a great opportunity for personal gain, andrun off to shuffle their investments in the four local craft houses before the construction begins. Then as the cottageis still going up, the advisors scurry to furnish the place in the most expensive pieces that will best benefit theirinvestments. Of course, the King is not a man to let his exquisite taste in decor go to waste, so after a couple ofmonths he shows up to lend a hand, and some praise. After four months the cottage is completed and the crafthouses receive their payments and the advisors collect their investments. Requirements • One piecepack • An opaque bag to randomly draw the coins from. • A piece of paper per person and one common sheet for the scores • A pen or pencil The Bits The Tiles (Rooms & Time)The tiles will be used in the game to represent the various rooms of the cottage. Each tile has the followingcharacteristics: Suit, Rank, Orientation, and State. • The Suit of a tile represents the craft house that has created the room. The clever craft houses design theirrooms such that any furnishings from their own craft house will look even better when placed in one of theirrooms. • The Rank, or number, represents the size of the room. The larger the room, the more furnishings that will berequired to fill it. The Ace tiles represent the entrances to the cottage. These will be where the furnishings, andeventually the King, will enter the cottage. The Nulls (blank tiles) are used to represent the passage of time.Each time a Null tile is drawn it represents the passage of one month. After the second, the King arrives andafter the forth is drawn, the game is over. • The Orientation, or facing, of the tile is only taken into consideration when building a second story to thecottage. The suit marker, or directional tick, on a tile placed on the second story indicates which room on thefirst floor contains the stairwell leading to the second story room. • The State of a tile can be one of the following two: face up or face down. A tile is left face up until the room iscompleted (has all of its furnishings). At this point the tile is turned over and can't used to score again. The Coins (Furnishings)The coins represent various furnishings for the cottage. Each furnishing has two characteristics: Suit and Rank • The Suit of a furnishing represents the craft house that has created it. • The Rank (number) is its relative worth with Aces being equal to 1. The Null of a suit represents ahorrendously tacky furnishing that is shameful to the craft house responsible for its creation. The Pawn (King)The Pawn of Crowns is used to represent the King. He arrives at the end of the second month (after the second Nulltile is drawn) to watch over the proceedings. He marches around the cottage, attempting to enforce his ownquestionable sense of taste, but also awarding the craft houses when he gets to see a room all come together(complete). The Die The die is used to determine a random number movement points. Movement points are used to move thefurnishings and the King from room to room. Getting Started The Bids (Investments) Before the cottage is built (the game is played) the advisors (players) each write down, on their own piece of paper,the names of the 4 different craft houses (suits). Each advisor (player) must SECRETLY assign to each of the crafthouses (suits) a number between -3 and 3, such that the total of all 4 numbers written down is zero. For examplethe following are some of the acceptable combinations: Player 1 Player 2 Player 3 Player 4 Crowns -3 Crowns -1 Crowns 1 Crowns -2 Arms 0 Arms -1 Arms 1 Arms -1 Suns 0 Suns -1 Suns 1 Suns 1 Moons 3 Moons 3 Moons -3 Moons 2 These values indicate the investments (multipliers) that the advisor (player) has in each of the 4 craft houses andwill be used to determine profits (scores) after the cottage has been completed. On a separate sheet of paper, that is to be kept visible to all during the construction (game), write the names of thefour craft houses. This is where you will keep track of the profits (scores) awarded to each craft house. Set aside the Ace of Crowns tile, as it will be used as the initial entrance for the cottage. Sort the other tiles by theirsuits. For each suit, randomly order the tiles within the suit and form them into facedown piles. These 4 piles will beused to form the rooms of the cottage. All of the coins are to be placed into a dark bag so that they can be drawn randomly during the game. Roll the die to determine who will go first; highest roll wins. Turns then proceed clockwise. The Turn On your turn you must take one of the following actions: • Add a Tile (Room) • Add a Coin (Furnishing) • Role the Die (In Hopes of Moving Stuff) Add a Tile (Room)To add a tile (room), randomly pick a tile from one of the face down draw piles and flip it over. If the rank of the tileis Ace, 2, 3, 4, 5 then you must add it to the cottage. The following restrictions apply when placing a new tile: • Tiles on the first story MUST placed such that every tile touches at least one side with another tile • Tiles on the second story MUST be centered over the intersection of 4 tiles. • Tiles on the second story may NOT lie askew, they must square up over the 4 tiles below. • Tiles on the second story may NOT cover any part of an Ace (entrance). • Aces (entrances) may NOT be placed on the second story. • Tiles MAY be placed on all four sides of an entrance (consider this a secret entrance or a tunnel). • Second story rooms are not required to connect with one another. • IF a second story tile is placed such that it PARTIALLY covers a first story tile which already has coins on it, justpush the furnishings on the first story tile in to an uncovered corner of said first story tile. • IF a second story tile is placed such that it COMPLETELY covers a first story tile (this requires 4 second storytiles in a square) then all coins on the obscured first story tile are set aside with the coins that have alreadybeen scored. (Destroyed during construction) If the tile you draw is a Null tile, then this indicates that a month of construction has been completed. Set the tileaside (beside any others you may have already drawn) and randomly draw one coin from the bag. You maySECRETLY look at both sides of the coin, and then you must place the coin on the Null tile. This represents afurnishing that the King has hand picked and intends to have installed in the wonderful cottage you are building forhim. If this is the SECOND Null tile drawn, immediately add the Pawn of Crowns (King) to any of the Aces(Entrances). If this is the FOURTH Null tile drawn, time is up, the GAME IS OVER. (See Final Scoring below) Add a Coin (Furnishing) To add a coin (furnishing), randomly draw a coin from the bag. You may SECRETLY examine both sides of thecoin. Now you must place the coin on any one of the Ace tiles (entrances) that have been played. (Note that a Acetile (Entrance) can hold any number of furnishings.) If you place the coin, suit side up, it represents bringing thefurnishing into the cottage still in its crate. Everyone can easily tell which craft house it came from, but can't tell howexquisite it is. Conversely, placing the coin value side up, represents bringing the furnishing in so all can see howbeautiful it is, but credit can not be given without flipping it over to see the stamp of the creator. If at any point in the game there are no coins in the bag, place all coins that have already been scored back into thebag. Role the Die (In Hopes of Moving Stuff) • If you roll a Null, then you MUST take the Add a Tile (Room) action. (See above) • If you roll an Ace, 2, 3, 4, or 5 then you are awarded this many movement points to move stuff.(Ace is equal to one movement point) The following cost 1 movement point: • Move any furnishing to an adjacent room or upstairs or downstairs • Move the King, if present, to an adjacent room or upstairs or downstairs Your movement points can be spent in any order, moving multiple items in varying amounts, or a single item for thefull number. For example, if you roll a 4 you could move the King 1 space, a furnishing 2 and another furnishing 1.You do not need to spend all of your movement points on a turn, however they are not carried forward if they arenot spent. Restrictions on Movement • In order to move either the King or a furnishing upstairs or downstairs, you must use the staircase. (The suitmarker of second story tile indicates the location of the staircase) In this game, the only way to move to or from the 3 of Arms tile, is via the stairwellconnecting it to the 5 of Moons tile as indicated by the suit marker on the 3 of Arms. • Furnishings may NOT be moved out of the room containing the King. • Furnishings may NOT be moved through a completed room (upside down tile), though the King MAY. Scoring a Room Scoring occurs throughout the game as rooms are completed. The moment a room, which is not partially obscuredby a second story room, contains the number of furnishings equal to its size (tile value) the room is completed. Youwill loose any remaining action points and the room must be scored. Scoring is calculated as follows: First, if the King is present in the scoring room, the person who completed the room MUST exchange any one of thefurnishings in the room with one of the furnishing that are sitting on the Null tiles. The King fancies that he has bettertaste than all of you. You may NOT examine the hidden sides of the coins before choosing. (If you already knowthis information because you placed either of the furnishing there, good for you.) Once chosen, you maySECRETLY examine the coin that is taken from the room before placing it on the now empty Null tile. Now examine all of the furnishings and sort them by suit. For each suit (craft house) complete the followingcalculations: • Take the sum of all of the values of the furnishings. • If the suit matches the suit of the room you are in, add 1 point per furnishing. • If the King is present add 2 to the total. • Multiply this number by the value of the room. • If the Null coin for the suit is in the room, the suit scores 0 regardless of other coins. • Record the score under the appropriate suit on the common score sheet. After this has been done for all of the suits, the tile is now complete, and it is turned upside down. Set aside all ofthe coins scored EXCEPT any Nulls. The Nulls go back into the bag (the King’s bad taste is endless!) Example 1: Player 2 moves a 5 coin in to the 3 of Crowns tile and completes it because there was already 2 tiles there (a crown and a 2). The King is not in this room. Therefore the coins are all examined and are as follows: 5 ofCrowns, Ace of Crowns, 2 of Moons therefore: + Sum of coins +5 +1 + Matching suit bonus +1 +1 + King bonus +0Sub-Total 8 Tile value x 3 Crowns Total 24 + Sum of coins +2 + Matching suit bonus +0 + King bonus +0 Sub-Total 2 Tile value x 3 Moons Total 6 Crowns would score 24 and Moons 6. Example 2: Player 3 moves the King followed by a Sun coin into the "5 of Suns tile", which already had 4 othercoins on it so now it must score. Before scoring however, because the King is present, Player3 must first exchangeone of the coins (furnishings) with one of the ones sitting on the Null tiles (the King's collection) He chooses toexchange an Arms coin with a Sun coin that is sitting on one of the Nulls. Now that the King has had his say, wecan calculate the scores. The coins now on the tile are the 3,5, and Null of Suns, 2 of Moons, and 4 of Arms. + Sum of coins +3 +5 +0 + Matching suit bonus +1 +1 +1 + King bonus +2Sub-Total 13 Tile value x 5 Suns Total 65 HOWEVER the Null of Suns is present, which means that Suns actually scores 0. (This calculation was shown for example purposes and would not have had to be done in the game, you would just notice the Null and disregardall of the Suns.) + Sum of coins +2 + Matching suit bonus +0 + King bonus +2Sub-Total 4 Tile value x 5 Moons Total 20 + Sum of coins +4 + Matching suit bonus +0 + King bonus +2Sub-Total 6 Tile value x 5 Suns Total 30 Suns would score 0, Moons 20 and Arms 30. So be ye warned, the King can sometimes have horrible taste! Final Scoring Once the fourth Null tile is drawn, the game is over. At this point, add up all of the scores for each of the crafthouses. This represents their earnings during the four-month period. For each player now do the followingcalculations: • Take the number they secretly wrote beside each craft house, and multiply it by the earnings of that craft house(yes, some will be negative). This value represents the return on investment for each of the houses. • Total the returns from all four houses to determine that player's profit. • Person with the highest profit wins! For example, if the scores were Crowns Arms Moons Suns 22 15 62 52 and the secret investments were Player 1 Player 2 Player 3 Player 4 Crowns -3 Crowns -1 Crowns 1 Crowns -2 Arms 0 Arms -1 Arms 1 Arms -1 Suns 0 Suns -1 Suns 1 Suns 1 Moons 3 Moons 3 Moons -3 Moons 2 then the final calculations would be Player 1 Player 2 Player 3 Player 4 Crowns -3 x 22 Crowns -1 x 22 Crowns 1 x 22 Crowns -2 x 22 Arms 0 x 15 Arms -1 x 15 Arms 1 x 15 Arms -1 x 15 Suns 0 x 62 Suns -1 x 62 Suns 1 x 62 Suns 1 x 62 Moons 3 x 52 Moons 3 x 52 Moons -3 x 52 Moons 2 x 52 Profits + 90 Profits + 57 Profits - 57 Profits + 107 Rank 2nd Rank 3rd Rank 4th Rank 1st Player 4 wins! Diagram • Because 3S, 5M, 2A, and 4M are not yet completed, they never will be in this game because you can not score a room that is partially covered by a second story room. • If 5M was complete, there would currently be no way to move furnishings into 3A, since the only route to 3A is via the stairs in 5M and furnishings may NOT be moved trough a completed room. Though if a non-entrance tile was placed beside 2A and 2S, it would make it possible to build a second story room at W and then there would be another route to 3A via the new room and its staircase. • A second story room can never be constructed at locations Q or Z because it would partially cover an entrance, which is forbidden. • If a non-entrance room was added next to 2S and 5S, a second story room could be added at Y even though it does not connect to 3A, because more than one second story is allowed. Thanks I would like to thank the following people who have helped with the play testing and or the editing of the rules: Julie Liz Taylor, Dan Pidverbny, Rob LeGood, Sean Bennesch, Nicholas Oddson, and Michael Schoessow. Revision History Version .9 (2003-01-16) First release. Entered into “Changing Landscapes” competition Spring of 2003. Version .91 (2003-03-20) Changes made to calm the chaos a bit. 4 draw piles of tiles sorted by suit, instead of one big unsorted one. Ace on die roll now counts as 1 movement point instead of a “must add furnishing” action. Null coins are now added back to the draw bag after scoring (ok so this adds some chaos). Clarifications added about handling coins when adding tiles to second story. Revision History section added. Tables have been tidied up to look pretty. Crowns Arms Moons Suns CraftHouses Investments SECRET and Must Total 0 House Profits Copied from the score card at end of game Returns Multiply Investments and House Profits Crowns Arms Suns Moons Total Profits: Add all of the Returns CraftHouses Investments SECRET andMust Total 0 House Profits Copied from the scorecard at end of game Returns Multiply Investmentsand House Profits Crowns Arms Suns Moons Total Profits: Add all of the Returns CraftHouses Investments SECRET and Must Total 0 House Profits Copied from the score card at end of game Returns Multiply Investments and House Profits Crowns Arms Suns Moons Total Profits: Add all of the Returns Craft Houses Investments SECRET and Must Total 0 House Profits Copied from the score card at end of game Returns Multiply Investments and House Profits Crowns Arms Suns Moons Total Profits: Add all of the Returns Nothing on this page is needed to play King’s Cottage, but it may come in handy the first few times you play. Copy or print this page. Cut out the top score sheet to use as the common score sheet. Cut out, and give each player a copy of the smaller charts for recording their investments at the beginning and calculating their profits at the end. Keep the Room Scoring Guide handy for calculating room scores. Room Scoring GuideRooms score the moment that the number of furnishings in them matches their size.If the King is present:Before you score, you MUST swap one furnishing from the room, with one from the Null tiles.For each suit: + Sum of all coins present + King bonus (+2 if he is present) + Matching room suit (+1 per furnishing) Take the total and multiply by the room size If NULL coin is present, that house scores 0 Record the score. Copyright © 2003Jonathan C. Dietrich Permission granted to copy for personal use.