
Players 2-4
Length 15 minutes
Equipment Required one standard piecepack
Designer Jacob Steinberger-Parkes
Version v1.0
Version Date 2023-04-01
License Dual-licensed GNU Free Document License or CC BY-SA 4.0


A fast property trading game for piecepack based on Monoply.



Remove the tiles with value 5. The remaining 20 tiles are arranged around the perimeter of a square as follows.

The tiles in the corners are face-up. The bottom left corner tile is the blue null, known as 'Prison'. The bottom right corner tile in the red null, known as 'Go'. The top left corner tile is the black null, known as 'Go-to-Go'. The top right corner tile is the yellow null, known as 'Community Chest'.

The other 16 tiles are shuffled and placed randomly and face down to complete the outside of the six by six tile square. These are the property tiles.

Each player receives five coins of a single colour (later the coins you obtain may be of different colours). Four of the coins are left suit-side up, they have a value of one coin. The null coin of their colour is left number side up and has a value of five coins. There will be four remaining coins which form the starting funds in the bank.

Each player receives one pawn which starts on Go. Each player receives one die. Each player sits facing one of the four sides of the board.


The player who most recently played a popular property trading game goes first.

On their turn they role the die and move the number of squares indicated, a zero on the die is six, an ace is one.

If you land on a face down tile then look at that property tile. If you wish to buy it you must pay one coin to the bank. You turn over the tile to be face up and arrange it so that the number faces you. The direction the tile faces indicates who owns that property. If you do not wish to buy it then it remains face down.

Properties belong to sets. The ace and two of each colour form a set, and the three and four form another set. There are thus eight sets.

If you own a complete set then you may place a hotel on one of the squares, placing one of your coins on the square to represent the hotel. You must distribute your hotels across your squares of the set, so that each square in the set has the same number of hotels or one different.

Once all properties have been purchased, thus there are no face down tiles, all fair trades to make sets must be made immediately. This is the only time trades are made. For example if two players each own half of two sets they must swap ownership so that both own a complete set, there are four properties involved in the trades. If three players can make circular swaps these must also be made, where player one completes a set for player two, who completes a set for player three who completes a set for player one. There are six properties involved in these trades, completing three sets. Similarly for four players trades involving eight properties to complete four sets are possible. In a two player game all sets or all but one will be fully owned. In three player games no more than two sets will remain not fully owned. In four player games no more than three sets will remain not fully owned.

If you land on a corner tile these have special rules.

If you land on Prison (blue null) then you must either stay on this square until in a subsequent go you throw a null on your die, or you choose to pay one coin and move the number indicated on your die. You may spend three turns maximum in prison. You must pay one coin on your third throw and move as indicated on the die.

If you land on Go-To-Go you immediately move to the Go square, you do not collect a coin.

If you land on Community Chest having rolled an even number (including null) you must pay the bank a coin. If you land on Community Chest having rolled an odd number (including ace) you take a coin from the bank.

If you land on or pass Go you receive a coin from the bank, as long as the bank has coins.

If you land on a square owned by another player you must pay that player a number of coins. If the player own only one square in that set you pay one coin. If the player owns both squares in that set and the square does not have a hotel you pay two coins. If the player owns both squares in that set and the square does have some hotels you pay two coins plus one coin per hotel.

If you are not able to pay then you remove some or all of your hotels. You receive one coin for every two hotels you return. If you still cannot pay you are bankrupt and leave the game. All your property becomes owned by the player to whom you owe a debt.

Play proceeds in clockwise turns until there is a single player remaining. They are the winner!
