This is an AutoGeneratedTextVersion of [:../:this game] {{{ Iceberg OBJECTIVE After a boat crash in the North Atlantic players find themselves strandedon an iceberg. Through clever maneuvering they hope to be alive as the icebergmelts and breaks apart. The last survivor is the winner. SETUPFig.1 Randomly place the tiles face-down on the table tobecome the iceberg as shown (fig.1), with the center squarebeing empty Each player then chooses a suit and takes all of thecoins of that suit, these are his survivors. Fig.2 The oldest player goes first and places one of his coins face-down on the board in one of the starting positions asshown (fig.2). Play proceeds clockwise until all players have placed one coin. PLAY On a players turn they must perform one of four actions. Play a coin,Move a coin, Flip a tile, Roll for removal. When a player has no coins to play ormove he is out of the game. Play A Coin A player may play a coin face-down to any unoccupied square or tile on the board. Move A Coin A player may move a coin one square orthogonally into any unoccupied square or tile. Flip A Tile A player may flip any face-down tile that has at least one side openwhether it is occupied or not (fig.3). If the tile is occupied all coins get bumped in the direction as shown (fig.4 the tile with four coins is being flipped, the arrows show which direction the coins are bumped), if a bumped coin lands in an occupied square or tile the existing coin gets bumped also, and so on. Any coinsthat are knocked off the board are removed from play.Fig.3 fig.4 Roll For Removal A player may roll the die to remove a face-up tile from the board. Whenthe player rolls the die and a tile, whose face-up value matches that of the roll, exists the play must remove it. If multiple tiles match the player may choosewhich to remove. Any tiles that are stranded from main board are also removed.Any coins on a tile that is removed are removed from play. If no tiles match theroll the player’s turn ends with no action being performed. WINNING When only player has coins remaining or he is the last player on theiceberg (only one tile remains and it is occupied by said player) he has won. Copyright 2002 by Kenneth Leyhe Sr. These rules may be distributed freely without charge and without changes, but the author retains full ownership rights to the rules described herein. . }}}
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