All the games we know about that are entering the IronPiecepackDesignerContest, some with rules for playtesting! Add your games below. == About I'd like to quote ["Jessica Eccles"] quoting Joseph Propati, who said this about the 2018 9-Card Nanogame Print and Play Design Contest on BoardGameGeek, but it applies to the IronPiecepackDesignerContest too. """ "While the end result of the contest is a geekgold prize [or in our case everlasting glory], the goal of the contest should be to design the best [game] possible and help others do the same. The contest is much more enjoyable when you participate with other designers and provide feedback for their design. I recommend playing at least one or two games for every one game you enter. I realize that real life can get in the way sometimes so this isn't a requirement, but try to help others out if you can and they will likely do the same for you." """ If you like the sound of that as much as we do, link your game below with the GameTemplate and let's get playtesting! -- RonHaleEvans, after ["Jessica Eccles"] == Games == === Episode 1: The Iron Chef * **PassTheFood** by TrevorLDavis: dexterity game where players toss coins onto tiles * **["Tapas"]** by ["Antonio Recuenco Muñoz"]: real-time game in which players define the sets they build * **["Tracers"]** by ["Marty_Hale-Evans"]: abstract strategy game in which the pieces leave trails === Episode 2: Piecepack Matchsticks * **LiquidCrystals** by ["Tim Schutz"]: a word game where you make the letters * **PaloLargo** by ["Antonio Recuenco Muñoz"]: bidding game in which the bids remain on the table and are affected by later play * **["Zeppelinopolis"]** by Dan Burkey (non-competing) === Episode 3: Expand! * **["Burbuja"]** by ["Antonio Recuenco Muñoz"]: solitaire game in which a hollow 5x5 square is expanded to a 7x7 one === Side Contest: Best Piecepack Demonstration Video * RonHaleEvans proposes a video animation using ["piecepackr"] == See also IronPiecepackDesignerContest
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