This is an AutoGeneratedTextVersion of [[Wormholes]] {{{ WORMHOLES a game of starship tactics for the piecepack by Marty Hale-Evans ( Ron Hale-Evans ( [version 0.6, 2001-10-01] 2 playersApprox. 20 minutes The Story In a distant spiral galaxy, even now, two alien factions wage a terrible (yet strangely nonviolent) warover a matter of deep philosophical import. The Orthodox OrthogonAliens believe that peanut-buttersandwiches should be sliced lengthwise, and their opponents, the Devout DiagonAliens, believe thatpeanut-butter sandwiches should be sliced into little triangles. Both sides employ hyperspace technology that can transport their own ships across the galaxy, or sendtheir opponents into black holes. The victors in this war shall rule their galaxy unto the most distant ages-- and perhaps one day, our galaxy as well. Summary Players take turns placing "wormholes" (coins) on the spaces of a spiral board representing the galaxy.Wormholes can send players’ starships (pawns) through hyperspace across the galaxy; some wormholesare actually "black holes" (null coins) that can cause you to lose your next turn. After all wormholeshave been placed, players try to land one of their starships on an opposing base, diving into wormholesthat will send them toward it, while avoiding black holes, wormholes that will send them the wrong way,and their opponents’ ships, which can send them back across the galaxy by landing on the same space. Setup 1. Take all piecepack tiles. Set one aside and lay the remaining 23 face down (grid side up) in thefollowing pattern: 2. Each player chooses a side in whatever manner the players agree upon, deciding which will playthe OrthogonAliens and which the DiagonAliens. The OrthogonAlien player takes the suits ofSuns and Moons (all coins, dice, and pawns). The DiagonAlien player takes the suits of Crownsand Arms (all coins, dice, and pawns). Each player places two starships (pawns) in the two spacesat the very end of the nearest spiral arm, as in the diagram above. 3. Roll dice. The high roller chooses whether to place wormholes first or move first; the other playertakes the other option. (It may be hard to decide when you first play, but you will probablydevelop a preference with experience.) 4. The player who places the first wormhole chooses any space on the board (apart from the players’bases), and places a wormhole (one of his coins) there, suit side up. The other player then placesone of her wormholes on any space that does not already contain a base or wormhole, suit side up.Players alternate placing wormholes in this manner until all wormholes have been placed. Once awormhole is placed, neither player can look at its hidden side until it is activated (see below). Wormhole Directionality Each suit designates an axis along which a starship may move, although a player can choose inwhich direction along the axis to make the wormhole jump. The length of the jump is determinedby the value on the other side of the coin. Suns north/south Moons east/west Crowns northwest/southeast Arms northeast/southwest The OrthogonAliens and the DiagonAliens cannot agree which north is north, but they do agreethat the galactic north/south axis runs through the long direction of the board (across which youface your opponent), and the east/west axis runs perpendicularly through the short direction. Thatis, your "north" is always toward your opponent, and the other directions follow. Play 1. On your turn, roll both dice, one of each colour corresponding to your pawns. Then, move eachstarship the number of spaces indicated on its corresponding die, in any direction you like(orthogonally or diagonally). Both sides may choose either orthogonal or diagonal moves whenmoving according to a die roll. Starships must move in a straight line on each roll; if a starship cannot move as many spaces as thedie indicates without leaving the board, it cannot move in that direction. If a ship cannot move thenumber of spaces indicated in any direction, the ship cannot move at all. Ships may not "shortcut"by leaving the board, crossing an area outside the board, and re-entering the board at the end of themove. If a ship’s die comes up null, the ship does not move. If a ship moves over other ships andwormholes, but does not land on them, they are unaffected. (Since space is three- dimensional,starships can jump over wormholes and other starships.) You must use both die rolls if you can; you may not choose not to use a die roll, even if your onlyavailable move is not in an advantageous direction. You may use either die roll first. 2. If your die roll lands your ship on an empty space, it simply remains there until its next move. 3. If your die roll lands your ship on a space that contains a wormhole, you "activate" the wormhole.Activating a wormhole does two things: (1) it lets you see the other side of the coin, and (2) iteither transports your starship elsewhere (if the coin is not null), or makes your starship lose a turn(if the coin is null). To be more specific: 4. When you activate a wormhole, first flip it over, making sure your opponent also sees both sides.You should flip the wormhole coin regardless of which side was showing when you landed on it,and you should place it back on the board so that the opposite side is up. If the wormhole causesno movement effect (if there are no possible legal moves, for some reason), flip it anyway, butdon’t move your starship. 5. If the wormhole is not a null, you must jump your ship along the axis specified on its suit side, bythe number of spaces specified on its value side. If you cannot move that number of spaces in one of that suit’s directions, your ship cannot move in that direction, and you must move in the otherdirection, if you can. If the jump from a wormhole lands your ship on a space containing another wormhole, it does notactivate that wormhole on this turn. However, if that ship’s next roll is a null, the wormhole isactivated, since the ship does not move (effectively landing on the same space). If a ship lands on a wormhole that has been activated previously (and therefore flipped), the shipmakes the hyperspace jump normally associated with that wormhole, and flips the wormholeagain. Each time a wormhole is activated, it is flipped again. 6. If your ship activates a wormhole with a null value, it has landed in a black hole. That ship losesits next turn. The player may complete the movement of her other ship, and the other ship maytake its next turn, unless it too is in a black hole. After a ship in a black hole loses a turn, if its next roll is a null, the black hole is re-activated, andthe ship loses another turn. 7. If your starship lands on a space containing one of your opponent’s starships, you may transporthis ship to somewhere else in the galaxy - to any space that does not contain your own ship,including back to one of his bases or onto a black hole. If you send your opponent’s starship to awormhole, it activates that wormhole. All ships have automatic safety features, so you cannot land on your own starship; treat a squarecontaining your own ship as if it were off the edge of the board. If your only move will land youon your own ship, you cannot move. 8. If you land on an opponent’s starship by die roll, and that starship is in a wormhole, first send herthrough hyperspace to another space on the board, then activate the wormhole. If you land on anopponent in a wormhole via wormhole jump, send your opponent elsewhere via hyperspace, butdo not activate the second wormhole. 9. After both your starships have finished all possible movements, the turn passes to your opponent. Game End and Winning The game ends immediately when one player has landed one starship on one of her opponent’s bases byexact count, either by die roll or through wormhole jumps, even if one of the final turn’s die rollsremains unused. That player is the winner. Variants Try playing with this variant for a longer game: 1. You must land both your starships on your opponent’s bases, not just one. 2. Once a ship has landed on an opposing base, rolling a die for it is optional, but if you do, you mustuse the roll. Strategy Hints 1. It’s generally a good idea to send one ship out to the opponent’s base while keeping one ship at thenear end of the galaxy to defend your home base from approaching enemy ships. Either ship canplay either role, however, and you may decide to switch roles in mid-game, depending on howeach fares. 2. There are two main ways to place wormholes: offensively and defensively. Offensive wormholesare placed to allow you to teleport onto your opponent’s base. Defensive wormholes are placed todeflect your opponent away from your base, and perhaps into danger. 3. Strategic use of forced moves is helpful. For example, placing a Sun wormhole at thenorthernmost edge of the galaxy will force anyone who lands on it to jump south, since he cannotjump any farther north. 4. Although it is not possible to set up wormhole "chain reactions", since each ship can only makeuse of one wormhole per turn, it is still possible to set up wormhole "chains". On the turn after awormhole has sent you to a second wormhole, you have a 1 in 3 chance of getting where thatwormhole was supposed to take you anyway: you might roll a null, which means your starshipcannot make a regular move but instead activates the wormhole, or you might roll a "natural" - thatis, roll the value of the wormhole and get to jump to the next wormhole in the chain as a regularmove. Naturals are better, as you then get to activate the next wormhole. 5. Memory plays a significant role. It pays to remember where you placed your wormholes, and eachtime a wormhole is flipped, it pays to remember what was on the other side, if you can. 6. The two sides are roughly equal in strength. The DiagonAliens can jump across the galaxy fasterusing their diagonal wormholes, but the OrthogonAliens have an easier time squeezing into tightspaces such as the end of the board near their opponent’s bases. (Of course, either side may bebrave enough -- or foolish enough -- to use their opponent’s wormholes...) If you are playing the DiagonAliens, however, pay special attention to which suit designates whichdiagonal axis, because it’s easy to confuse them at first. This may lead to your placing yourwormholes ineffectively. Credits Original concept: Marty Hale-Evans.Development and rules write-up: Ron and Marty Hale- Evans.Graphics: Marty Hale-Evans.Playtesters: Mesomorph Games, Tim Higgins, Mark Purtill. History Version 0.6: Rules clarified further. Changed win condition (landing 2 ships now a variant). Tidied"Playtesters".Version 0.5.3: Rules clarified, typos fixed. This History section added.Version 0.5.2: First public version. Version 0.5: First playtest version. Licensing Copyright © 2001 by Marty and Ron Hale-Evans. Permission is granted to copy, distribute and/ormodify this document under the terms of the GNU Free Documentation License, Version 1.1 or any laterversion published by the Free Software Foundation; with no Invariant Sections, no Front-Cover Texts,and no Back-Cover Texts. A copy of the license can be found at }}}
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