= Berlin = | Players | 2-4 | | Length | 30-45 minutes | | Equipment Required | single standard piecepack; . . . == Be the first player to break through the Berlin wall to freedom! == Rules == * . . . (original copy) * [[BerlinTextVersion]] . . .
2K - last updated 2022-02-16 05:30 UTC by TrevorLDavis
This is an AutoGeneratedTextVersion of [[Berlin]] {{{ Berlin A “History Repeats Itself” game for the . . . Encyclopedia Britannica Entry on Berlin Wall;Barrier surrounding W. Berlin that closed . . . off E. Germans' access to W. Berlin from 1961to 1989 and served as a symbol of the . . . Be the first player to break through the . . . if playing variant 1). Variant 6: Fast Forward BerlinSet up the game as normal, except, leave an agreed . . .
8K - last updated 2010-03-23 17:54 UTC by EricWald
Berlin 2fTextVersion
#REDIRECT [[BerlinTextVersion]] . . .
1K - last updated 2010-03-22 21:11 UTC by EricWald
1 Comment on Berlin
### 1 Comment. ### The game play rules seem confusing to me. The document says: "if you match your die . . .
1K - last updated 2010-10-28 19:05 UTC by DanielAjoy
= Eric Witt = * ["Berlin"] * ChoosySushi * DivorcedBeheadedDiedDivorcedBeheadedSurvived * ["Landlocked"] . . .
1K - last updated 2009-06-01 02:59 UTC by
**Note:** This page is [[ | computer-generated from individual . . . cards (no joker), playmats from rules | | ["Berlin"] | EricWitt | single standard piecepack; opaque . . . | | ["PiecepackSeabattle"] | ChristophHaeberling | standard piecepack | | ["PiecepackYahtzee"] . . .
24K - last updated 2025-02-01 02:05 UTC by TrevorLDavis
= The History Repeats Itself Competition = You can read the relevant information for the fourth of the . . . or other!) * The building or destruction of the Berlin Wall * George W. Bush attempts to get the UN . . . I'll mention each quickly here. The first was ["Berlin"] a game involving the destruction of the Berlin . . . 2. EricWitt - ["Berlin"] 3. ClarkRodeffer - BlackThursday Redacted . . .
14K - last updated 2020-08-21 06:22 UTC by TrevorLDavis
| Players | 2 | | Length | 10 minutes | | Equipment Required | standard piecepack | | Designer | ChristophHaeberling . . .
2K - last updated 2023-08-04 13:59 UTC by TrevorLDavis
* ["Activator"] * AlienCity * ["Baseball"] * ["Berlin"] * BingoBattle * BlackPawnTrucking * BlackThursday . . .
2K - last updated 2009-06-01 03:02 UTC by
= Re-licensed Games Sometimes game designers dual/re-license their games. And sometimes they cannot or . . . an email to] TrevorLDavis == Christoph Haeberling Christoph Haeberling wrote "I license Piecepack . . . a BGG message to] TrevorLDavis . . .
15K - last updated 2023-08-04 13:57 UTC by TrevorLDavis
10 pages found.