= Blockade = | Players | 2 | | Length | 30-60 minutes | | Equipment Required | one standard piecepack . . . == * (local copy) * . . . & Comments == We played numerous games of Blockade during the judging of the GroupProjects contest, . . . sucker for a good abstract, so after I read the Blockade ruleset, I was really looking forward to playing. . . . Blockade is an abstract traversal game of unequal forces . . .
4K - last updated 2020-12-28 05:32 UTC by TrevorLDavis
**Note:** This page is [[ | computer-generated from individual . . . | standard piecepack, opaque bag | | ["Blockade"] | DavidBoyle, ["James Kyle"], ChrisYoung . . .
24K - last updated 2025-02-01 02:05 UTC by TrevorLDavis
= The Group Projects Contest = You can read the relevant information for the sixth of the Piecepack Game . . . a clean auction reference table. Score: 23.26 ["Blockade"] -------- by DavidBoyle, ["James Kyle"] & . . . for a good abstract, so after I read the ["Blockade"] ruleset, I was really looking forward to . . . playing. ["Blockade"] is an abstract traversal game of unequal . . . but fully-functional. With 24 coins in play, ["Blockade"] is a real brain burner for the blocker. . . .
77K - last updated 2010-03-23 15:32 UTC by EricWald
James Kyle
= James Kyle = Created the piecepack and released it into public domain in October 2000. == My piecepack . . . games I have authored or co-authored: * ["Blockade"] * DungeonCrawl * ["Fuji-san"] * HangingGardens . . .
1K - last updated 2010-03-10 20:22 UTC by RonHaleEvans
= Piece-Chisi = | Players | 2-4 | | Length | 30 minutes | | Equipment Required | Standard Piecepack, . . . by the players piece, this is considered a blockade (see BLOCKADES), the player cannot enter another . . . is already occupied by the player (forming a BLOCKADE), then the move may not be made. 5. Upon completing . . . (by the player whose suit is indicated). BLOCKADES: 1. When any two consecutive spaces are occupied . . . by pawns of the same color, it is called a blockade. NO pieces may pass over a blockade, even . . .
7K - last updated 2016-08-26 13:44 UTC by Jessica Eccles
| Designer | Dan Burkey | | Version | 2.0 | | Version Date | 2018-06-27 | | License | Public Domain | . . . *Blockade (not to be confused with the piecepack game . . . [[]] *Squadro [[]] . . .
7K - last updated 2021-02-14 18:06 UTC by RonHaleEvans
6 pages found.