8 Comments on JamesVipond
### 8 Comments. ### Merry Christmas, James! First! 🙂 -- RonHaleEvans 2020-12-25 04:39 UTC ---- Happy . . . please add your games TrivialPiecepack and/or [[Owlman]] to the wiki? Simply create the pages, copy . . . 04:53 UTC ---- Trevor, I've created a page for Owlman. I don't know the license information, but I . . . "Rules" feel free to add a link back to your Owlman page on your website (which unfortunately seems . . .
3K - last updated 2021-01-13 02:36 UTC by TrevorLDavis
**Note:** This page is [[https://github.com/piecepackr/ppwicker | computer-generated from individual . . . Doherty"] | single standard piecepack | | ["Owlman"] | JamesVipond, Andrew Perkis | standard piecepack, . . .
24K - last updated 2025-02-01 02:05 UTC by TrevorLDavis
**Email:** jvipond@wat·midco·net (replace middle dots with periods) \\ **External site:** http://vipondweb.byethost3.com/ . . . * [[http://vipondweb.byethost3.com/gameroom/Owlman.html|A setup for playing Owlman with the piecepack]] . . .
1K - last updated 2020-12-28 01:24 UTC by JamesVipond
= Owlman = | Players | 2 | | Length | 10 minutes | | Equipment Required | standard piecepack, with checkered . . . Doc (crown pawn) tries to reach the lair of Owlman (moon pawn) with his cryptozoological camera, . . . 12 helpers (any 12 coins, rank-side up). Doc and Owlman start on opposite light corner squares; the . . . the trees of Mawnan wood. Doc wins if he reaches Owlman's lair within 49 moves, with one of his helpers . . . on a nearby light square, but Owlman wins if he captures Doc or all of Doc's helpers, . . .
2K - last updated 2020-12-31 23:18 UTC by TrevorLDavis
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