= Comparison of Piecepack Editions = Originally a message on the piecepack mailing list from December . . . this is standard practice for game reviews. == Piecepack Expanded == I have a ["Piecepack Expanded"] . . . the **IPG Extra** set. For a picture see the ["Piecepack Expanded"] page. Components list: * 9 piecepack . . . "icepack". --RonHaleEvans I purchased an Icepack Piecepack Expanded, the Extras and a JCDpiecepack from . . .
23K - last updated 2020-12-29 06:35 UTC by TrevorLDavis
Downloadable Piecepack Sets
Although the piecepack is available commercially (See [[Vendors]] page), it's also possible to download . . . IPG Piecepack Expanded] from IcePack Games includes a standard . . .
8K - last updated 2024-07-18 02:05 UTC by JamesVipond
This is an AutoGeneratedTextVersion of [[DragonsHoard]] {{{ Dragon’s Hoard (formerly Dragon’s Quest) . . . and vise-versa.2. Dungeon Size: If you have a Piecepack Expanded you can make the dungeonlarger, . . . of time.3. Treasure Coins: If you have a Piecepack Expanded, adding the new coins willdecrease . . .
7K - last updated 2010-03-23 17:57 UTC by EricWald
**Note:** This page is [[ | computer-generated from individual . . . | | ["InterstellarConquest"] | ["Ken Leyhe"] | ["Piecepack Expanded"] or IceHouse, cup or bag | | ["It's_a_Weird,_Weird_Galaxy"] . . . | | ["Scavenge_le"] | ["Ken Leyhe"] | ["Piecepack Expanded"], Icehouse | | ["ScavengerHunt"] . . . piecepack | | ["Senat-Ur"] | ["Ken Leyhe"] | ["Piecepack Expanded"] | | ["ShamanIsland"] | RandyCox . . . piecepack | | ["TAG"] | ["Ken Leyhe"] | ["Piecepack Expanded"] | | ["Take_Off,_Eh"] | ClarkRodeffer . . .
24K - last updated 2025-02-01 02:05 UTC by TrevorLDavis
= The Group Projects Contest = You can read the relevant information for the sixth of the Piecepack Game . . . to split * **IcePack Games:** 1 piecepack expanded * **Matt Worden Games:** 1 table . . .
77K - last updated 2010-03-23 15:32 UTC by EricWald
= Title = |Players | 3 - 8 | |Equipment Required | ["Piecepack Expanded"] or IceHouse, cup or bag| |Designer . . .
1K - last updated 2022-02-16 05:32 UTC by TrevorLDavis
This is an AutoGeneratedTextVersion of [[InterstellarConquest]] {{{ Interstellar ConquestVersion 2.0 . . . opponents star systems. Equipment1 Piecepack or Piecepack Expanded (for 5-8 players).At least 4 different . . .
7K - last updated 2010-03-23 17:59 UTC by EricWald
Ken Leyhe
== Ken Toren Leyhe == Email: [] I am a computer engineer that works out . . . to do a little more, and we designed the ["Piecepack Expanded"]. My favorite piecepack game of . . . |["Scavenge le"]|["Piecepack Expanded"]| |["Senat-Ur"]|["Piecepack Expanded"]| . . . |["TAG"]|["Piecepack Expanded"]| == Piecepack Expanded == . . .
2K - last updated 2010-03-23 15:32 UTC by EricWald
= Piecepack Expansions = A piecepack can be expanded in many ways. Different designers have * changed . . . suits** (⚄): IcePack Games created their own "["Piecepack Expanded"]" ($), Blue Panther created a "War . . .
5K - last updated 2020-02-18 01:28 UTC by TrevorLDavis
[:TOP] = Glossary of piecepack Terms = Note: words in **bold** are defined elsewhere in this glossary. . . . by a **swirl** or **spiral** symbol on coins. ["Piecepack Expanded"] uses a stylized letter "**A**" . . . fleur-de-lis symbol. Some piecepack versions (["Piecepack Expanded"]) use a **shield** symbol for this . . . PlayingCardsExpansion) or the color **green** (["Piecepack Expanded"]) or yet another **dark suit** . . . **white** for **winter** (**snowflakes**). The ["Piecepack Expanded"] set uses black, blue, red, yellow, . . .
32K - last updated 2020-08-21 06:22 UTC by TrevorLDavis
Piecepack Expanded
== Ice Pack Games Piecepack Expanded == **What's the difference between a standard piecepack and Piecepack . . . Expanded?** The Piecepack expanded includes the original 4 suits (moons, . . . * And a FREE rules cd-rom **Where can I get a Piecepack Expanded?** Online at . . .
1K - last updated 2017-03-30 03:04 UTC by DanielAjoy
[:TOP] == Introduction == What follows is a collection of lists that are generated automatically based . . . one of the extra suit piecepack sets:[[BR]] ["Piecepack Expanded"], [FourSeasonsExpansion 4 Seasons . . .
5K - last updated 2021-04-05 05:22 UTC by TrevorLDavis
Scavenge le
= Scavenge le = |Players | 2 - 4 | |Equipment Required | ["Piecepack Expanded"], Icehouse| |Designer . . .
1K - last updated 2022-02-16 05:38 UTC by TrevorLDavis
= Senat-Ur = |Players | 2 - 4 | |Equipment Required | ["Piecepack Expanded"] | |Designer | ["Ken Leyhe"] . . .
1K - last updated 2022-02-16 05:38 UTC by TrevorLDavis
This is an AutoGeneratedTextVersion of [[Senat-Ur]] {{{ Senat-ur By Ken Leyhe (Modified from Board and . . . 1.0 Revised 07/02 A game for 2 - 4 players using Piecepack Expanded. 1. Objective To be the first play . . . all of his coins off the board. 2. Equipment Piecepack Expanded 3. Set Up A. Each player takes a . . .
3K - last updated 2010-03-23 18:05 UTC by EricWald
= SixPack = MesomorphGames released the PlayingCardsExpansion in early 2004. It adds four new suits to . . . to use in their designs. Note that an Icepack ["Piecepack Expanded"] can be used to emulate a SixPack; . . .
7K - last updated 2011-05-22 05:55 UTC by DanielAjoy
= TAG: The Assassination Game = |Players | 3 - 8 | |Equipment Required | ["Piecepack Expanded"] | |Designer . . .
1K - last updated 2022-02-16 05:38 UTC by TrevorLDavis
This is an AutoGeneratedTextVersion of [[TAG]] {{{ The Assassination Game le A variation of TMAG by k.Leyhe . . . of the secure bases. 2. Equipment piecepack or Piecepack Expanded (for 5-8 players) 3. Set-Up A. Set . . .
3K - last updated 2010-03-23 18:06 UTC by EricWald
These companies have piecepack materials available. * [[|Amazon]] - Yes, you can . . . Icepack Games] - Makers of the ["Piecepack Expanded"], Card Suits Set, and Elemental . . .
3K - last updated 2024-03-03 19:06 UTC by JamesVipond
19 pages found.